The New Alliance

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Our story begins in the moon of Kerberos, from Pluto far away from earth, three humans, two man and a teenage boy, travel the furthest extension of their solar system for the first time in history, collecting some ice sample. They have set their equipments as they started collecting the samples to take back to earth.

The first man has pale skin, dark black hair, dark gray eyes, he wears a white and orange space suit with his helmet on. His name is Takashi Shirogane, or Shiro for short, and he's known as the best pilot of the Galaxy Garrisons.

The second man has pale skin, short gray hair, brown eyes cover with square black glasses, he wears a white and orange space suit with his helmet on. His name is Samuel Holt, or Sam for short, and he's a Commander and Senior Science Officer for the Galaxy Garrisons.

Then boy has pale skin, shoulder-length and messy brown hair, brown eyes, he wears a white and orange space suit with his helmet on. His name is Matthew Holt, or Matt for short, and he's a Junior Science Officer for the Galaxy Garrisons.

As the mechanical device dug through the moons crust, the cylinder-shape compartment start to come up with some of the ice sample shaped into a cylinder, then Matt started to reach out for the ice and pulls it slowly out of the compartment.

"Easy, son, this ice is delicate." Said Sam looking at his son.

"Amazing." Said Matt smiling at the ice sample and looks at Shiro. "Isn't this exciting, Shiro?"

"You guys get a little more excited about ice samples than I do." Said Shiro jokingly as he hold the machine steady for Matt to take out the sample.

"This is history in the making, not only have we traveled farther than any human ever has, but this ice could hold microscopic clues about the existence of life outside Earth." Said Sam as he feels proud of his work.

"Think of it, Dad, we could use those clues to become the first people to meet aliens." Said Matt excitedly as he look at his father.

"My life's work would be complete." Said Sam as he smile at the thought.

Just then as soon as Matt got the ice sample out of the compartment, there came a deep rumbling that is starting to shake the whole moon around them.

"What is that?" Asked Sam sensing the shaking. "Seismic activity?"

"We should get back to the ship." Said Shiro looking at his team.

As the shaking was getting louder, Shiro and his team looked up to see a giant warship appeared in the sky above them. The battleship glowed in a purple light.

"Wha. . . What is that?!" Said Sam in shock looking at the ship. "It can't be!"

"Run." Shouted Shiro grabbing Sam and Matt's arms. "Come on, run!"

As Shiro, Sam, and Matt hurried toward their ship, as they try to run as fast as they can, but however they never made it to their ship. Instead, they found themselves surrounded in a strange purple light, causing them to be lifted off the ground and they yelled at the sight of front pulled and passed out.

When Shiro woke up, he was shock to see that he's inside the ship, surrounded by dark metal and glowing purple. As he look around, he started to hear some talking as he look to see a figure in front of him, talking to the purple video screen. The figure was inhumanly tall, with large ears, a horn ridge on their head and. . . Purple skin.

"Emperor Zarkon, we were scouting system X-9-Y as ordered when we found these primitive scientists. I don't think they know anything useful." Said the purple figure as he looks at the screen.

Then Shiro glanced over to see Matt and Sam kneeling, at the same position as he is right now. They both still had their helmets on, and in the dark light of the ship, Shiro couldn't see if they were awake or not, and then he heard another voice talking as he look.

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