Chapter 16

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Recap: Boy, were we wrong. That was only the beginning.

They sat down and brought us over their laps. Once I was in position, Rupp started taking down my jeans and panties. That startled me and a dozen thoughts started going through my head. The main thought was: "Is this dude really going to spank me on the bare bottom?" I guess I asked the question out loud because he answered.

AR: Yes, I am. And don't even try to fight it. You have both earned this.

M: Noooo. Daddy, please don't let him do this. It's not fair.

AR: Quiet, Maya. Be glad I'm not the one punishing you. You know what happens in our family when you misbehave in public. So, you and I will be having another chat when we get home. Do you understand, young lady?

Maya nodded and Rupp turned back to me and my bare behind. Without warning, the smacks began to rain down incredibly hard, and by 20 smacks I was sobbing uncontrollably.

In that moment, 2 thoughts were going through my head again: First, I'm glad Rupp was not my father because if he was, I would neve sit down again, given how much I get in trouble. Second, I never wanted to get punished by him again.

That punishment did, however, have the intended result because I apologized to Maya and we went on with the game. When they eventually went home, I was heading upstairs to go to bed when Mom called me back. I froze and started to get nervous. When Dad saw my nervous look, he smiled.

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