Chapter 6

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Recap: I looked at them with an annoyed expression an rolled my eyes. Though that threat did scare the heck out of me.

However, I did not let them see how much it scared me. I just kept up my defiance. Finally, my parents had enough.

A: Brianna Marie! That is enough. This is the last time I'm saying this: Go clean your room now, or you can expect a sore backside for the rest of the day. Got it?

B: Yes sir. I'm sorry. I'll go do it. (Lies)

I went back to my room and sat on my bed. I was still trying to test the limits, but little dad I know that dad was completely serious. After a while, they were back, and they were not happy with what they saw.

Am: Brianna Marie Brown. We have had just about enough of your defiance and disobedience today.

A: And I did say that if you kept this up, you would get a spanking. Did you think I was joking? (I nodded.) Well then, this will help you come to the realization that I was dead serious. Get your butt downstairs to the living room NOW!

We went downstairs and sat in silence for a good 5 minutes. Finally, Mom decided to break the silence by speaking...

(Sorry for the cliffhanger, guys. Hope you enjoy reading!)

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