Chapter 10

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Recap: Do you understand, Brianna?

B: Yes sir. I understand.

Am: OK. Now that we have that sorted, who's hungry? I'm making chicken alfredo for dinner.

We all got excited and helped with cooking and setting the table. The rest of the evening went by without any other incidents. I can't say the same for the next morning, however. I almost ended up with an extra punishment for talking back.

I did not want to own up to my behavior. I kept trying to sweet-talk my way out of it, but that just seemed to make them more upset.

A: Brianna, listen to me. You are on very thin ice, and I am very close to calling one of the guys to come to deal with you. Now if you don't want that, I suggest you keep quiet and listen.

B: Yes sir. Sorry.

Am: Alrighty now. here's what's gonna happen right now...

Am: We are going to go upstairs and get your punishment over with. After that is done, you are going to come to the table and work on all of the assignments you are missing. I don't want you getting up from the table until every single assignment has been accounted for. Do you understand?

B: Fine, whatever. There goes my Saturday. I had plans to have fun today.

A: Well, you should have thought about those plans before you decided to not do your schoolwork and then lied to us about it. So, let's go upstairs.

We went upstairs, just the 2 of us. That did make me kind of nervous, but I didn't say anything because I did not want the other guys coming after me instead...

(Sorry for the crappy ending again. Enjoy!)

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