Chapter 5

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Recap: Here are a few of the memories can remember, mostly about me getting in trouble.

Where do I begin? There are so many to choose from. I was a very mischievous child. The first one came 6 months later. I had never really been one for following rules, and that didn't really change when I came to live with Mom and Dad.

They had been telling me for almost 2 weeks to clean my room. They thought that it looked like a pig sty, but I thought it looked fine. My dad was not one to repeat himself for days on end, so one day, he finally snapped. I was sitting on the couch with my mom and we were watching our favorite show. All of a sudden we heard Dad yelling my FULL name.

A: Brianna Marie Brown. Get up here, NOW!

Mom gave me a look that said, "What did you do now?" We both went upstairs to my room. Dad was standing there with his hands on his hips and a very stern expression on his face.

A: Brianna, what have we both been telling you to do for 2 weeks now?

B: Clean my room. (quietly and ashamed)

A: Then why is it still a disaster? All this time you have been doing things to occupy your time when you could have taken 1 hour out of a day to clean.

Am: Seriously, Bri? You told me that you cleaned it last night. That's why I agreed to watch that show with you.

Great! Just awesome. Now I had 2 parents angry with me. I was most definitely going to get a spanking out of this. What's worse is that I don't even have a good excuse for this one. I was screwed. Well, no going back now. I had to think of something to say, and fast.

B: I just didn't really see a need to clean it. It is, in fact, my space. I should be allowed to keep it how I want to.

Am: Oh really. Well, let's see just how outspoken you are after I say this. You, young lady, are grounded for 2 weeks. Hand over your phone.

B: What?! No! That's so unfair. You can't do that.

A: We can actually do that. Also, it's called parenting with punishment. It's not supposed to seem fair. Now, are you going to do as you were asked, or do we need to add another punishment?

I looked at them with an annoyed expression and rolled my eyes. Though that threat did scare the heck out of me.

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