Chapter 18

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Recap: After a minute, the topic went back to the tour.

Am: So, in terms of timing, we are leaving at the end of the week. We will be gone for about 6 months.

A: Now, just because we are going to be constantly busy, that doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want just because you think we aren't paying attention. The same rules we have here at home are going to still be in place on the road. Is that clear?

B: Oh, come on. Seriously? I thought it was supposed to be like a vacation for me. Why are there rules?

Am: The rules are meant to keep you safe. We don't want you wandering alone in the middle of nowhere. We also don't want to dampen our friendships by you being disrespectful.

A: So, your options are be with us and have our rules, or stay home and have someone else's rules. What's it going to be?

B: Fine. I'll follow your stupid rules. Just please tell me you won't let the guys punish me.

A: Actually, about that; I've already talked to the others about you potentially coming. So, I also may have already told them that, if you came, they could punish you.

B: WTF! Dad! Why would you do that? It's so embarrassing when they do it.

A: First of all, watch the language, secondly, we aren't always going to be there to do it. You could be with someone else and get in trouble.

We all argued about that for a couple minutes until I finally gave in.

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