22: Preso

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"Why would you lock her in that room," Lorenzo asked. His face was full of confusion and a hint of curiosity. As much as he understood me at times, he never fully grasped me. Or maybe I was being more erratic these days.

"She pissed me off. I told y'all to keep her away," I told him, brushing off his concern. If people did their jobs, we wouldn't have any issues.

"Easier said, then done," Lucas chimed in.

"Look, the doctor is checking on her. She's fine," I said dismissively. I didn't bring her any harm. I am just giving her the attention she so craves.

"I got her a full exam and ultrasound. She said her last doctor left her with no pictures," Lorenzo told me. I nodded.

"Have you found anything, a lead," I asked, feeling anxious. Finding a lead was much more important than this small drama from Elena. Elena was a nuisance, and I wanted nothing to do with her antics. If Elena wanted my attention, she would get the worst of it. I didn't want to worry about her. I didn't want to see her.

"Yeah, we got a tail. We think we got him. It seems confirmed. Let see if he leads us anywhere in the next few days while you get Elena to chill out," Lucas said.

I nodded. I knew that once we found the culprit, I would rip them to shreds. It was important to exract any information I could, I doubt this was the final wall of people I would need to go through to find the true mastermind. Whoever this guy was, I was determined to find them and break them. Suddenly, there was screaming from the room, Elena. Lorenzo entered the room first, followed by me and Luca. The nurse had her hands up as Elena was in the corner covering her body. The tension was palpable, and the space between the medical staff and her was wide. Elena looked scared as she cornered herself.

" DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME," she yelled. What is her deal. Why was she so upset, I wouldn't think hiring this well respected medical staff would cause any issues. This was a private and discrete matter who had never caused me issues before.

"What did you do to her?" Lucas acccused the nurse as Lorenzo went over to her. He inspected Elena only touching her arm in comfort. The doctor kept his hands up, looking guilty.

"Nothing, we were trying to do the ultrasound," the nurse said.

"We just wanted to look at the baby, she's about 9 weeks along so we can see the small form of a baby" the doctor explained quickly. His nerves spilled out like water on the floor.

"Alright then, what's the problem," I asked Elena.

"I already had this done," she fussed. She crossed her arms in an annoyed tone. Her demaner changed with the flip of a switch.

"Let me see my baby," I demanded. I knew Elena well enough to sense her tricks, something was up. I could not put my finger on it immediately, though.

"I'll just go back to my doctor and get the pics. I don't want too many ultrasounds. It's bad for the baby," she told me, holding her stomach. I looked questionly at the doctor.

"There is nothing an ultrasound can do to hurt a baby," the Dr said to her, trying to reassure her. I looked between the two for a moment before focuing my attention on Elena.

"Come on, Elena, lay down," I told her. She shook her head. I walked closer to her, pushing Lorenzo aside.There wasa small space between us, I found myself annoyed but kept my voice calm.

"Elena," I almost whispered to her. She knew me, I hated my time wasted. Our eyes kept contact, before she broke it. Elena began to shake slightly where she stood. Why was she so determined to be a bother. Her only job was to job this damn baby at this point.

"Lay down." My tone was warning. I felt tested as I was becoming annoyed. I just wanted to get this over with. I grabbed her and pushed her down on the bed. Not roughly but I wasn't take no as an answer

"Don't make this harder than it needs to," I told her.

She looked nervously around. The nurse eyed Elena's shirt so I lifted it up, exposing her flat stomach. I touched it for a moment before snatching my hand back. For a short moment I imagined this was Jada. I had to quickly drop that to avoid the thought completly. The nurse quickly placed the gel on her stomach. The doctor rolled his chair close to her and then looked at the screen. I couldn't see from this side, but my heart lurched in my chest. Jada's smile fashed in my mind. She would have been happy if this was her. The excitement we would share. I wanted to holdl her hand one more time, to kiss her one more. I found myself longing for her as we all waited for the doctor and I shook the thought. This world had not given her back to me. There was nothign I could do, so no point in thinking about it

It was silent in the room, nothing but the hum of the machine. Lorenzo was in a different spot in the room. I know he could see the screen, but his face never changed. He looked confused. He had a gotten a woman pregnant once, the baby didnt make it out the womb. I became concerned when I didnt see his goofy smile look to me. His eyebrows furrowed.

"I-I don't see anything," the doctor said nervously, "have you had any bleeding, or do you have an irregular period? Im not seeing anything." Elena shrugged her shoulders, looking at the docotr but never turning her face to me.

"Maybe," She responded quickly.

"Why don't we draw additonal blood. Maybe it's earlier than suspected," he said, going into his large draw. His nurse grabbed her arm. I looked over at Elena, who refused to look at me anymore. She was really deadly silent, she was guilty of something. Elena always ran her mouth, it's what she was good at.

"Elena, where the baby? You just went to a doctor, " I said as they pricked her. It wasn't like I was hit with a realization but my suspcious had been going off since a stepped in until I figured out the trick. I already knew the answer then. She was a fucking liar. In usual Elen fashion, she continued to be a cruel bitch. I was not immune to this. I waited until the nurse bandaged her up.

"Everyone, out," I grumbled out. It went silent at my raised voice, but the door opened. Shuffling of feet quickly escaped the room till the door closed.

"You're not pregnant, are you," I said to her. She didn't say a word as I looked at her.

"So you lied, and now you're caught red-handed." I said to her.

"Ya know what, I'm over this. Get out," I told her. I left her alone in the room, slamming the door behind me. I was a mixture of furious and weirdly relieved. I hated that she lied to me, but I was so glad that I didn't have to deal with her anymore. I was free. As much as I felt this rage I also felt relief. I only wanted Jada's babies. If I couldn't have that, no one would be good enough.

"Just call me when you bring the bastard to me," I said, swiftly exiting. I didn't care what Elena did or who she was with. I was free of her. I just wanted to be alone. I didn't want to be bothered. My focus was on justice for my wife. Jada at least deserved that.

This is a shorter chapter. The next chapter is a long one. Thanks to every reader who keeps coming back every update

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