17: Alone

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I had wondered if the change in Alessio was worth it. He had been obsessive about finding whoever it was who attempted to hurt me. He would spend days out of the home, leaving me alone. The only company I had was Corina, as all the other male guards refused to speak to me. Occasionally, Lorenzo would come around or Lucas, and they would chat me up. I had little to say. I just wanted to hear about what was going on. I was held up in this 3 bedrooms, 2 bath brand new home, which still felt huge, but more comfortable than his old mansion. We were surrounded by a small community, guarded 24/7. This was a tight-knit community, so even if anything happened, there were at least half dozen witnesses. It was closer to the city, and Alessio had bought a loft to complete work at any time. He had an office here, too. That he almost never been used. His loft was basically his home as he hid himself from me. I couldn't tell why but he was very distant. It's one thing to be chained to him, but nowadays, I was just plain ignored. I missed him, I'd come to realize I enjoyed his attention more than I previously wanted to admit. When I did see or hear from him, we would talk. I tried to keep my days as interesting as I could muster. Sometimes, I would take a walk with Lorenzo and see the neighborhood. I was doing my best with what I had. Sometimes, Alessio would come home and shower me with attention and love. He would take me, and everything felt okay until he left the next morning before I woke up. I couldn't leave without him, yet he didn't take me anywhere, ever. I had found this tango tiresome after a little over 2 months. We haven't even married yet, and I felt like a trophy he kept hidden away. I think what makes it worse is when he smells like someone else, a woman's perfume would perminate his clothes.Sometimes, he still tried to be with me while other times he seemed far away. Alessio made little sense. He wanted me to be with only him, yet he still found a way to be with other girls. Most of the time, I kept him away if he smelled like them. Once, I gave in and just ignored it to feel something close. I clammered for human connection, to be wanted or desired. At least Lucas was funny, and his charming side came out a lot. He visited me the most, always on days Alessio wouldn't be home. He kept me occupied. Lorenzo was kind to me while letting me vent about Alessio. I knew he told him, but I let him think he was tricking me. It meant little to get his gifts in place of a half assed apology. I think he figured he could buy my love. I'm not sure the women he was with before, but no amount of gifts could just erase everything I was going through. How one man could spend so much time doing that then coming home baffled me. I dreamed of a decent marriage between us, some small bouts of love and passion, and mutaal respect. That we may have kids like he talked about having one day. But, the way things were playing out had me feeling like this was the biggest mistake of my life. My largest problem was opening up to him, to giving into his backwards charm. This would be easier if I didn't have an affinity for him, if I didn't care about what he thought. I could barely wrap my head around the idea that I did.The tapping noise from chopping onions began to take over my mind, I was getting myself flustered and upset. My feelings seemed to plaugue me more and more. I stood at the kitchen counter as I took a deep breath. I just needed to calm down and try to keep my mind distracted. I could feel Corina's eyes on me. She didn't say anything, and I didn't look. I knew she was worried about me. She was good for helping me stay distracted and was a great cooking teacher. I was able to learn so many skills, I could cook properly. Or at least I was starting to. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled the phone from my jeans and looked at the caller ID, Alessio."Hello?" I answered. The shiny new phone was one of his many gifts. It had zero of my contacts, so it was almost useless besides mindlessly scrolling. It was like he barely tried, just found whatever phone he could find, the newest type. If he ever bothered to ask, he would have figured out I dislike the iPhone. I had thanked him none the less. I was still incapable of remembering any old phone numbers, and I was too scared to log in to my Facebook or Instagram again. I was afraid of my friends response to me being gone so long. I knew they were mad."What are you doing right now?" Alessio's voice asked. "Dinner prep, why?" He let out an affirming grunt before silence grew between us. I continued to chop as I trapped the phone between my shoulder and ear."Are you okay?" I asked. The silence made me uncomfortable. "Yeah, I just miss you. I'll be home soon," he said pretty quickly before getting off the phone. I placed the phone on the counter. I was surprised he admitted he missed me. He had been stoic and cold the last week, and he barely said much outside of hello. Alessio had still become kinder and more protective in some ways. His punishments had come to a holt. His passion had as well, in turn. Maybe it was because he was never round. I never got the brunt of his anger any longer. I reaped the benefits of his money, though, as I used it to shop online. Stuff would be shipped to the house where Lorenzo or Lucas and on occation the guards would bring it to me. I bought random crap that caught my eye just because. Maybe Alessio figured I was happy using his credit card. It was fun to get tipsy and buy something that caught my eye, though. Opening it did little, and sometimes I threw the items away at the end of the day.When Alessio was home and in good spirits, he would talk to me. He had these dreams of a family of his own to love and protect. I also discovered some small facts and heard about his crazy childhood. He was wild and free when he wasn't forced to work. He enjoyed going out into nature, and he missed his home country, Italy. His presence had me feeling giddy even when he was on his way home. I was enjoying being around him more, clinging to him before he ran off again. As crazy as he drove me, I cried all the time now. My feelings hurt, and I couldn't put my finger on what upset me the most. I just found myself mad at him, and I had refused his touches as of late. I think I had fallen in love, I felt heartbroken and rejected yet again. I think I was reeling from being in love with him."Jada, put some oil that pan over there," Corina said as she finished pounding the pork. I bent down and opened the cabinet below me. I grabbed the oil and poured in enough to cover the bottom of the pan before turning on the heat on high. I turned to my right and shuffled to the panty that was left open. I went deep inside and grabbed the flour and breading. I grabbed 2 containers from the cabinets above , poured the flour and breading in separate spaces, and then seasoned the flour."Good," Corina exclaimed. I saw her smiling as she beamed at me. She took me in like a mother. She taught me how to care for myself and this house. She felt more like a mother than my own mom. She checked on me and kept me company even in silence.There wasn't all too much cleaning that was needed, but we did it together. I had gotten loads better, at least with assisting, and it kept me busy throughout the day. I wasn't working anymore, so helping to cook for everyone helped keep me sane and feeling not so lazy. What I did miss was my friends. I couldn't leave this prison, so I was left to send them a message to explain why I still couldn't come into town. Still, Alessio had yet to figure out who tried to kill him. Word had gone around that he was engaged, too. According to Alessio, people did their research on me. I just didn't want anyone else to hurt, so having my friends around me didn't feel all too safe. At least, that's what I justified. As we worked hard to complete this meal, I could hear the garage door open up. Alessio was home. I bounced a bit on my feet in anticipation. I wipped my hands off on my apron before untying it and tossing it on the counter. I smoothed out my pants quickly before going through the kitchen opening to my left. The garage door was to the leff down the short hall. I quickly went over to the door, awaiting him to greet him. He seemed like his mood was better, I would greet him as he entered our home. A quick moment, where he actually felt like a person and a partner. He opened the door after 30 seconds of being out there as I tossed between heals. He gave me a slight smile as he walked through the door, my own grinned from ear to ear. He had looked handsome, with a fresh hair cut and trimmed beard. He wore a gold button-up and dark brown trouser. He eyed me up in down, examining every curve and every inch as he took in my presence."Alessio!" I exclaimed, loving the way his name rolled off my tongue as I copied the Italain accent I usually lacked."Anima gemella," he said. He called me his soulmate. I threw my arms around his neck as my stomach did backflips. He had been gone for 4 days at this point. He had kept his promise to me to be home today, so I felt like I was in a particularly good mood as well. It was after 6 but I didn't care what time he came home, he just had to stay. I was awfully lonely, with few things to do. I thought about my old life frequently. I found myself doubting this whole situation, yet every time I saw him, that doubt disappeared. My heart melted. I was reminded of him being so kind to me, of hearing his dreams of the future with me. We hugged tightly for a brief moment before he pulled back, pulling me into a kiss, pressing himself into me. I could smell his cologne and its earthy tones. I was thankful I had not worn a skirt or dress as he grabbed my ass lifting me off the ground. My legs wrapped around his hips as I met his eye level. I could feel us begin to move, so I pulled back as he chased my lips."We made dinner," I told him."I know, amore mio," he said softly before placing me down gently. I had missed the nicknames he had called me. Amore mio meant, my love. My heart fluttered. I had felt like a teenager again. He had a light in his eyes, as if he was completely here, not distracted by other thoughts.. We had stopped just between he laundry and the opening to the kitchen. I slipped out of his grip and stepped into the kitchen while he slipped through the laundry room and into the masterbedroom closet. Corina was setting the plates while I walked quickly to the table to light the candles. I had this newfound pep in my step. I could live off this high. The black table cloth was set, and the head of the table and the seat to the right were set up next to each other. I had placed orchids there between us. They had been picked up from the local flower shop. Corina set the plates before us. We had made pork capricciosa with roasted potatoes and onions. They were pipping hot with some melted cheese on them. I turned around to go find Alesiso, but he was already in the kitchen, I had almost run into him with how fast I was trying to move. He had on his same trousers and a black button-up, looking sleek as ever. His shirt had the first 3 buttons undone. His chest peeked through, hairless."Tada!" I exclaimed."Thank you, Corina," I said as she scurried off into her room. She stayed with us, and occasionally, some nights guards did as well in the second bedroom. Tonight was not one of those nights.I felt his warm embrace behind me as he pulled me against him."Thank you," he said in my ear, sending chills through my spine. I squirmed out of his graps to go sit down. He pulled my chair out before I could grab it. "Thank you," I said. He sat down next to me. The heat from the food was so warm, maybe even hot. I could feel the warmth heat my body. We began to eat in a comfortable silence. Everything had tasted delicious. I thought I did a great job helping out. I didn't do all too much, but I tried. The food smelled good, but settling stomach was much harder."Where have you - well, what have you been up to?" I asked. "Hunting down the pieces of shit who ever thought to hurt you," he said, his voice filled with anger for a few moments before relaxing. "Did you find him?" I asked. He nodded before grabbing my hand and kissing it."Of course," he said softly. He had finished half his meal while I had picked at mine a bit. My stomach was not exactly happy with me anymore. It felt uneasy, and I pushed down the nausea that began to creep up. We had not spent much time together when I really thought about it. Alessio had never pushed me or forced me or much of anything. We would spend a few sparing hours here and there and talk. That was enjoyable. He had been on this crusade, and now that was over finally. He had seemed awfully relaxed, and this made sense why. He leaned over and kissed my forehead."You don't seem hungry. What's your mind?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulder. These last couple months had been a whirlwind of being scared and a little lonely. He pushed his chair out and kneeled before me. He pushed my chair out, turning me to him."I know it's been hard, but you've been nothing short of amazing," He told me as he unbuttoned my pants. I felt so nervous, we had not been close in so long. I lifted my ass up, allowing him to slide my pants and underwear off. I couldn't even think to say no, to be mad. I just wanted him. Once they were off, he slid between my legs, kissing the side of my knee and then up my thighs. Every kiss sent tingles as I let out a soft moan. I wiggled under his gaze. Alessio had managed to make himself distant yet close. Today was a moment of closeness, a moment of love, maybe. He told me little news up until today. But now, I was happy and excited. He kissed my clit, the jolts of electricity coursing through my veins. "Just as I remember, so good," he hummed before making slow circles with his tongue. He pulled me to the edge and devoured me.-My eyes opened as I felt a huge wave of nauseous. I flew into the bathroom as everything came up into my mouth. I had barely made it as I vomited into the toliet, unable to stop the spewing. It didn't stop. My stomach lurched until I felt like I would vomit my stomach itself. I took deep breaths, holding in everything. The burning of stomach acid in my throat was the worst feeling, yet I was alone. I slowly hobbled out of bathroom. I looked around, thinking Alessio would be there sleeping hard. Thinking he was rustling a bit, but he was nowhere to be found. I sighed at his lack of presence, trying to ignore my stomach as it tried to spew acid all over the floor again. What a prick. He couldn't even stick around for the morning, per usual. I had yet to even ask him to just stay with me for a few days. He was quick to distract me with his charm and then leave. I found myself so angry as I fought back the tears threatening to spill out. I took a shower to relax my body, plus Corina couldn't hear me cry over the sound of the shower. I didn't spend long before getting dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top. I had nowhere to go and no one to see. This house felt huge and empty, so quickly again. I finally took a look at my phone, Alessio sent me a message, an excuse likely. 'I'll be back this afternoon' was all he wrote. Leaving me to sit around, without even an apology over text. I swear this man was allergic to the words 'I'm sorry'. I practiced breakfast, making Corina a sausage egg and cheese sandwich with a side of bacon. I only over-cooked the bacon and broke the yolk of one egg, but that was pretty good for me. I worked on my sewing skills, the hobby I picked up from Corina, as I adjusted my clothing to fit better in the master closet. I had felt sick on and off today, but it was not enough to stop me from keeping busy. I tried to ignore it. I didn't want to be bedridden due to a stomach bug or whatever.By the time Alessio came home that afternoon, I felt exhausted. Alessio entered the closet, beginning to take off his clothes. I didn't greet him, and neither did he greet me. I was quiet as he got undressed. He walked back into the bathroom as the shower turned on. There he goes again, hot then cold. I sighed, rolling my eyes at his antics. I would rather sleep than deal with him. I could have a wonderful night in one moment, and then the next, he's pissed off about something. I got up and went straight for bed, preferring a nap over his attitude. The man wouldn't even talk to you about it.


Long chapter! Thanks again for all the reads. I appreciate everyone who keeps coming back. Shouout to nichole_2005
for liking. Leave a comment for any criticism or anything you loved. Any feedback is appreciated 🙏🏽

Beautiful in JadaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora