9: Impegno

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I woke up with a major hangover, my head thobbing. I scanned my surronding, recognizing I was lying on the armchair by the couch. I spotted Jada sprawled out on the bed. Her ass looked red and bruised at first glance. I took a moment to remember what I could in regards to last night. She had said something slick to piss me for the millionth time in this last week. I had been keeping my hands to myself for the past couple of days, only keeping my eyes on her. She had quick whips with her words and often spilled out the first thing to come to mind. I remembered sending her to cool off in our room while relaxing in the living room, drinking a glass of Campari. She just didn't know how to let up.

Her pants were by the side of the bed where I tossed them. I could remember most from last night, although it was hazy toward the end. I walked over to her in a deep slumber. On closer view, I found prominent hickeys on her neck. Her red panties complimented her brown skin. If she demanded all my attention, she was going to get it all and then some. She looked so sexy laying in bed like that. I remember her body's response to me yet again. I loved the way her brain churned and conflicted, yet ultimately gave in. She couldn't say no to my advances. She wouldn't.

I brushed her hair to the side, exposing the skin of her neck. Her moans ring through my head again like my favorite song on repeat

"My love," I called out in Italian.

She muttered something but didn't move. I opted to gently shake hee to wake her up instead.Her eyes shot open as she quickly flipped over and pulled the blanket close to her. She looked so nervous and a bit scared. With the freed space, I sat on the bed next to her.

"Good morning," I greeted her.

"G-Good morning," she stuttered out.

"We still need to find you a ring," I told her. She just looked at me for a moment and then looked down.

"Okay," she muttered.

I had no clue how to make her happy, I could only guess. I wanted to make her smile. I still found myself frustrated by her antics. I was also annoyed with Elena, even if she was just a quick fuck. I wanted nothing more than to be between Jada's leg, but I waited for her. Jada ran through my mind like crazy even with other women. All I thought about was her, I still could only see her. So, I made attempts to do her right. A few days of no sex was possible. I had stayed busy, though. I noticed little things like Jada gravitating to darker, richer colors. Or the way she always parted her hair to one side rather than the middle. She was a sucker for a pretty dress no matter how touch she tried to be or how much she puffed out her chest. She preferred to stand on my left rather than Mt right. Little things, I wanted more into her. I wanted to know it all. I was excited by the mundane of this simply beautiful woman.

"Get ready and get dressed. Breakfast will be ready in the kitchen," I told her.

As much as I wanted to play with her, I knew now was not the time. Her mood was soured by my tipsy antics. Maybe she will learn, but I doubt she will. Those beautiful lips just needed something inside it to stay busy, rather than talking so much.

I left her to get ready, leaving the door unlocked. I headed off to my office as I spent a few minutes informing Lorenzo that I'm not to be called unless it's an urgent emergency. He was to handle the fort unassisted and make all decisions. He always had my full trust and support. I then headed to the kitchen. Corina was almost done with breakfast.

"You are all done for the weekend," I informed her. She looked over at me, surprised.

"Like until monday?" She asked. I nodded. She quickly took off her apron in excitement.

"Alrightly, see ya Monday, " she exclaimed and headed out.

She worked most weekend mornings and nights, so I always had dinner waiting for me. She was the only person who ever came in anyway. That left me alone to plate the breakfast made, chocolate chip pancakes. I could cook relatively well. I just didn't have the chance to due to my late start.

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