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I don't know the things I fear but I know the things that I don't like. That was going to this place, to the club.

Because of the that Shikaina, I have to go to this place. It's so annoying!

After arriving at the club's parking lot, my steps are heavy, I don't seem to want to go inside and find out what's there... I really don't want to!

"Do I have to do this?" I asked myself annoyed.

I slowly walked until I heard the noise coming from inside the club.

I just sat on the floor because my knees went weak when I saw different lights. I really don't want to be here! I really do not want!


I am currently here at daddy's company office because I don't have much to do at home. What am I going to do there, I'm only 10 years old. If I want to play, it's not fun because I don't have anyone with me. I'm the only child and my mommy and daddy don't even have time to drop me off and pick me up from our neighbor to play.

"Bryson, I'm just going somewhere!" Daddy said but the panic in his voice could be seen.

"Where are you going, daddy?" I asked, I followed him until we left the office.

"I'm just going somewhere. Don't leave here until I'm gone. I'll be back. Do you understand?"

"But daddy, I want to go with you. Will you eat? I'm hungry." I said. I was here early and daddy didn't take care of anything but the papers and his cellphone that kept ringing until he just said he was leaving.

"Ahh, is that so. Alright, I'll just bring you food here as long as you don't leave." He told me to call his secretary and gave me food.

"You stay here. Don't leave here, ok?" He repeated said before kissing me on the cheek and leaving.

His secretary invited me to come inside and eat. It was only a few minutes before daddy left that I decided to follow him. I invited my bodyguards to drive and follow daddy. At first he didn't agree but I forced him because I had a bad feeling just from daddy's voice.

I called mommy's cellphone but she didn't answer.

This morning she said goodbye to me while she was leaving because she said that she had a meeting with a client, maybe she was still busy.

After a few minutes we followed daddy until we reached the club.

What will daddy do here? What do people do here when they come? Playing?

As soon as I saw the light inside, I felt happy because it was different colors and it even rotated on the whole club.

Maybe there are children inside... Maybe someone is celebrating a birthday, it's fun. Yehey!

"Sir Bryson, you can't go inside." My bodyguard stopped me as I was about to go inside.

"Why? My dad is there!" I slipped under his hands that were wrapped around me.

"Maybe your daddy will see you. I will be ruined, I might lose my job."

"What do I care about you? You'll find a new job." I said to him annoyed before running inside the club.

When I entered I was surprised because there were so many people and some of them were old, maybe 50+.

What are they doing here? Is that their sign?

HIDDEN HEIRS (ENGLISH VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now