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⋆ three ⋆

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⋆ three ⋆

It's a long day of exhaustion before Peter makes it back to his place, trudging up the endless steps before ramming his shoulder into his half-broken door to get it open. Just as he closes it again, about to collapse on his bed, the phone starts ringing.

A strangled, irritated groan slips past his lips before he manages to get the door open again, practically collapsing beside the telephone as he answers it.

He doesn't get the chance to say anything, however, before a voice rushes out quickly, "Okay, hear me out. Brand new black suit, bow tie, looking sharp. Slow music, nice diner, dim lighting, dancing, red roses, end the night with a kiss. It's sexy as hell."

"What are you talking about?" Peter mutters, struggling to keep up with Lily's hurried voice in his exhaustion.

Immediately she seems to sag in relief. "Oh, thank God. I was worried it would be Ursula or her father answering the phone, but if I asked first then it would ruin the dramatic effect."

"Dramatic effect of what? Lils, you're not really making any–"

"For you and MJ, of course."

Peter's eyebrows furrow, not quite understanding as his fingers press exhaustedly against his temples. "What about me and MJ?"

"You're still in love with her, right?"

The soring reminder sends a spark of shame through Peter, remebering everything that's happened the last few weeks. Sure, facing an extraterrestrial creature possessing him was high on his list of priorities, but with Harry's death it feels like everything that's happened recently was a fever dream.

Then he remembers all the details, feeling his best friend die in his arms, and he remembers it's not.


"And so I'm setting you up. Or– helping you set yourselves up. I don't know what terminology you'd use – you're meant to be the genius."

"I don't–"

"Just get over here." At the silence that ensues, Lily rolls her eyes, unseen by Peter. "Hurry up, I don't want this to go on after sunset. Streets are dangerous and I am not dropping you home."

"I thought the press were outside your house?"

"It's been, like, a week. I think they got bored because one morning I woke up and they were gone. Hurry up."

The click of the phone reaches his ears, not giving Peter a chance to get out of it. With college and work and superhero-ing, it doesn't help with his exhaustion and grief in the slightest. Peter had hoped he'd be able to just rest, but seems not.

Then again, the thought of what Lily said flares back in him. She said she'd set him and MJ up. While he has absolutely no clue where the sentiment came from, he can't stop the spark of hope from building in him. The last few months have been a mess... but maybe something might finally work out.

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