Chapter 14: Ladybug Deposed and The Reveal

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Ladybug and I stared at each other for a brief moment. After a while, I sighed.

"God, Ladybug. You went too far." I sighed.

"What do you mean?" Ladybug asked.

"You wanna look back on your "greatest" feats? Okay then." I took out my tessen and read out a document.

"You use your Lucky Charms for selfish reasons, you can never take advice from civilians, you transform in the most open places, you've caused an akuma more than once in and out of the costume, and on countless occasions, you have been a little bitch to not only me or Chat Noir, but to others as well. Am I missing anything?"

Ladybug gulps, "No, I think you got it all."

"You left me with no choice." I said as I reached out for the earrings, until she slapped my hand away from me.

"What are you doing!?" She demanded.

"I'm relinquishing the ladybug miraculous from you. You're done. You will never become Ladybug again. I'm sorry, Marinette, but I have to do what's best for the team." I replied.

"No! That's not going to happen! I can change! Just give me a chance!" She pleaded.

"I've given you chance after chance. But, you squandered it. It's over." I said.

Ladybug gritted her teeth and glared at me.

"It's because of Isabella, isn't it? Ever since she showed up, you have done nothing but shower her with affection. I've put my life on the line for this city and this is what I get? Betrayal!?"

Ladybug pulled out her yo-yo.

"You want these, you'll have to take them from me." 

I pulled out both my tessens and got into my stance.

"You asked for this." I said and darted towards her.

I evaded her yo-yo and slashed at her. Ladybug backflipped away from me and snapped a kick at me, which I blocked and countered with a backhand to her cheek, knocking her back. She growled and darted towards me, countering and dodging each others attacks.

"Marinette, this isn't going to change anything!" 

"I don't care! I'm not giving up Tikki!"

Our fight continued until I attempted to grab Ladybug, only for her to duck under and ram her head onto my chin, stunning me. Before I could recover, she tied up my hands with the yo-yo and threw me off the tower and sent me crashing onto the roof. I tried to get up, but Ladybug stomped onto my arm, causing me to cry out in pain.

"If you're going to take away my miraculous. Then, I'll take yours." She sneered and reached for my ear cuff.

Suddenly, a whip launched her backwards. I looked up to see Grey Wolf standing over me with his whip drawn.

"I told you to stay out of this." I said as he helped me up.

"I know. But, I couldn't stand by and do nothing." He replied.

"You're so stubborn." I sighed.

"Takes one to know one." He chuckled.

Ladybug got back to her feet and growled.

"Fine. I'll take both your miraculous!" 

"Come and get them." Grey Wolf taunted.

We darted towards each other, trading blows and evading each other's attacks. Grey Wolf ensnared Ladybug's arm with his whip and dragged her towards me, allowing me to snap a kick across her jaw and knock her away. With a roar, Ladybug resumed her assault. Rain poured down on us as we fought.

Ladybug managed to get a hold of one of my tessens and kicked me away, causing me to stumble and land flat on my side. I tried to get up, but Ladybug kicked me in the stomach, causing me to cough out in pain. Before Ladybug could finish me off, Grey Wolf tackled her away from me.

As I tried to get up, the two traded blows until Ladybug feinted an attack and stabbed my tessen into his side, causing him to double over. Before he could react, Ladybug took away his whip and attempted to strangle him with it.

"NO!" I cried out and advanced towards them

"Any closer and I'll break his neck!" Ladybug threatened, causing me to stop.

Grey Wolf struggled to free himself as the whip tightened around his neck.

"Give me your miraculous and I'll let him go." She ordered.

I looked over at Grey Wolf, who was choking from his own whip wrapped around his neck. Blood flowed from his wounded side.

"Alright." I said as I reached for my ear cuff.

As Ladybug lowered her guard, Grey Wolf removed the tessen from his side and slashed the whip to free himself and threw it and Ladybug, causing her to stumble. Before she could react, I darted forward and slammed my knee onto her face, knocking her to the ground. She tried to get up, but ultimately passed out.

I removed the ladybug earrings from her and put them inside my pocket. Suddenly, Grey Wolf groaned and clutched his wounded side.

"You Crazy Canine! You would've died!" I cried as I held him.

"Heh. I can't call myself a hero if I didn't save the girl I love, right?" He chuckled.


"I had a crush on you since kindergarten. It started off when you came up to me while I used the school camera to take a few pictures. Some bullies tried to pick on me, but you stepped in and defended me. We slowly became friends and I started to fall for you. But, I was too shy to admit it. I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you how I felt about you. And when I found out you were Bianfu years later, my feelings for you grew greatly." Grey Wolf explained.

No wonder he was so flustered around me. And ever since I became Bianfu, I kept my feelings repressed for his safety.    

"Just hang on. I know someone who can help you."

"Get Marinette back to her place. I can wait." He replied before slowly blacking out from blood loss.

Cursing, I quickly left Marinette in the alleyway and flew back to the flower shop as quickly as possible.

Adrien POV

I looked down at my phone and saw a text from Mei.

"Meet me at the Chinese flower shop and bring the book you got from your dad." I read.

I quickly snuck out of the mansion and followed the directions on my phone until I arrived. I knocked on the door, hearing Mei's voice.

"Grandpa. He's here."

"Come in." A voice answered.

I entered the shop and saw a Chinese old man with a Hawaiian shirt, beige shorts and flip flops tending to an unconscious Connor with a wolf-like figure looming over him with a look of worry. Alongside him was Mei and a bat-like figure.  

"Mei? And is that Connor?" I gasped.

"Hello, Cat Noir. This is a bad time, but that's not important right now." The old man said.

"How do you know me?" I asked.

"We'll explain later. Right now. we need to talk." The old man said.

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