Mein braves Mädchen

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"Warum Liebe?" He asked, "Looking at your helpless face only tells me that you're enjoying it", he said, putting his tongue inside of you. Making you moan even louder, as you grabbed his hair tighter.
"K-König", you whimpered.
"Yes Liebe, keep moaning my name."

An hour has passed, you were about to go to your room. Still excited about the mission. Who'll you be with? Good question.
You went to your room to take a shower, you took a hot shower today. As you felt the water going slowly down your body. Going through your hair. How refreshing. While you've been showering, you thought about König.
"Why was he like this?", you asked yourself. Leaning your head on the wall, thinking about him.

-Little smut
"Something about him was so cold but yet so attractive.
Wait, did I said thats he's attractive?". As you thought about him you started to touch yourself. You slowly went down with your hand, starting to slowly rub your clit. Letting a small whimper out.

As you rubbed your clit, you felt someone behind you. It was König.
"Touching yourself, while thinking about me?"

As your body showed in the direction of the wall, König was behind you, starting to touch you between your legs. While his one hand was rubbing your clit the other one was touching your neck slightly. Starting to kiss your neck, giving it a slightly bite.
As you turned around, your eyes met. Still cold, looking you deep in the eyes. You looked at his body, seeing how muscular he was, his scars.
"Eyes up here, darling", he said lifting your chin up and then he kissed you, slowly. After a minute or two he started doing more roughly, more intensive, more passionately. Putting his tongue inside of your mouth, playing with yours.
While he was distracting you with his tongue, he started touching your breast. Starting to play with your nipple, still kissing you though.
"König im about to come", you whispered.
"Come for me, mein Liebling", he whispered you quietly in your ear, as his fingers were already inside of you, playing. Then he started to rub your clit again, for the last time. You whimpered, "König.. im coming"
As you came, you fell down, slightly. Not able to stand anymore.
He slowly gone crouch, giving you a kiss on your cheek.
"Braves Mädchen.." he whispered, leaving behind you.
It was all your imagination.

"Now I've gotten crazy", you said to yourself.

Getting dry, you blow-dried your hair. Thinking about what happened now. After you were completely dry, you jumped into your pajama. Finally. Soon after you realized how tired you were, so you fell asleep.

The next morning you woke up, all tired.
"Not today, today is the mission", you said to yourself, getting ready real quick. Excited to see who'll you be with.
Hopefully Soap.
You got out of your room and went straight to the cafeteria, where I found Soap.

"Morning soap, how are you?", you asked him.
"Good morning y/n, im fine. Kind of excited though, you?", he asked back.
"Because of the mission?", you asked.
"Yeah, hopefully we'll be paired up!", he responded.
"Yeah about the mission, where and when do we have to be to find out who'll we be with?", you asked, "since im new here, I have no clue"
"Oh right! After lunch just go to the training area. Everything will be explained there.
"Great thank you!", you said leaving to eat something.

After you left soap behind, you sat down and started to eat breakfast. Once you were done, you started to head to the training area.
Everyone was there already. Talking and once the mic did a sound, everyone got quiet.

"Today is the day. Everyone of you will have a mission. I'll couple everyone in two. Since it'll be a serious and especially long mission, I won't change any partners, you like it or not. The mission will take 2 months." He continued explaining things. There has been a enemy.
He called everyones name out. Eventually he said yours.

"Y/N AND KÖNIG", he screamed.
"Oh dear god, please tell you're kidding." you said to yourself.
"Scheisse, looks like we're a team now", König was behind you.
"Great", you responded annoyed, didn't even mind to look at him.
You were kind of annoyed but embarrassed at the same time, because of the imagination you had with him, which also made you a bit happy and nervous.

As you turned around you looked at him, he looked down at you, with his arms crossed.
He was so attractive.

|790 Words|
Mein braves Mädchen = my good girl
Mein Liebling = my love
Scheisse= shit

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