Final Chapter.

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"Hey," I whisper, as Aonung strides along the beach towards me.

"Hey," he grins back, gently brushing the hair out of my face. "How's my beautiful mate?"

"Busy," I laugh. "I had to heal several young boys."

"Really?" Aonung asks, kissing my forehead. 

"And I have to get some herbs-"

"I'll get them," he offers. "Can't have you doing too much work."

He gently lays a hand on my stomach, and the baby kicks him.

"You were right," he grins, kissing my stomach. "Fierce little kids after all."

"Well, little Tsu'tey can't wait to start his Iknimaya," I laugh. "Even at five years old, he's ready to be a warrior."

"And I bet you started fighting at one," Aonung reasons. "Actually, no. I bet you were born with your bow swinging."

"Shut up," I laugh, swatting at my mate. "I need to get back to my hut-"

"The village can go five minutes without their Tsahìk," Aonung complains. 

"Maybe you can go five minutes without me," I reason, smiling up at him.

"Impossible," he grins back down at me, wrapping his arms over me but careful about the bump.

"Mama!" a voice calls along the beach, and a moment later, a little thump sounds as a tiny figure leaps into our arms.

"What did I tell you about being gentle with mama," Aonung says, taking the four-year old girl into his arms and gently checking on me.

"Sorry," Se'zarae mumbles.

"It's okay baby," I smile, kissing my daughters forehead.

"Yeah Seze," Tsu'tey grins from the sand, sticking his tongue out at his little sister. 

She wriggles out of Aonung's arms and tackles her brother to the sand, and they roll around, wrestling and laughing.

"Aw," Tsireya calls, walking along the beach towards us. "Sorry Koy, I was looking after them, but they keep fighting."

"It's alright," I laugh. "Trust me, I did my share of fighting when I was a kid."

Tsireya grins, her hand resting on her own stomach, where her first child rests peacefully.

"It's nearly sunset," she says. "You're still coming for dinner right?"

"Of course," I smile back at her.

"Or we could have our own night," Aonung says, wrapping his arms around me from behind. "You really should relax more."

"Come on," I grin, tugging him along the beach, each of us scooping up a wrestling child. "Tsireya and Lo'ak could use a hand making dinner. You know how horrible at cooking my brother is."

"Fine," Aonung whines, sounding just like he did when we were teenagers.

"I promise, you'll have me all night after dinner," I grin, kissing his cheek.

"Ew," Tsu'tey growls, wrinkling his nose at us.

"Shut up Tsu," Se'zarae says, sticking her tongue out at him. "I think they're very romantic and adorable."

"Thank you baby," I grin, squeezing her and swinging her around as we re-enter the village.

The Metkayina smile and gesture respectfully to Aonung and I as we walk through, and we smile back at our people.

"Oh Eywa, what have you done," I laugh as we enter Lo'ak and Tsireya's marui.

The smell of burning fish makes us all laugh, and Lo'ak rolls his eyes.

Tuk is already sitting on the floor, and I gently sit down beside my sister.

"How's Moi'ka," I ask, grinning at her. "How long have you guys been going out for?"

"How did you know about that?" Tuk gasps, her braided hair swinging around her shoulders.

"Please, I'm Tsahìk. I know everything that happens in this village. Also, my teenage sister is allowed to have a boyfriend."

Tuk rolls her eyes but settles back against me, and Seze flops on top of us all.

Soon, everyone's in the marui.

Jake, Neytiri, Tonowari and Ronal all sit on one end, Seze and Tsu'tey flopping and wriggling all over their grandparents, who look delighted.

Rotxo and Kiri sit next to each other, Tuk beside her, and Tsireya's resting against Lo'ak. Neteyam and Zei'ke are chuckling quietly.

Aonung gently wraps an arm around me as I smile at my family.

"Are you okay Koy?" Aonung whispers.

"They all look so happy, so peaceful," I smile back. "It's perfect."

"What do you mean?" Aonung asks, as our children come racing over to settle in our laps.

"Our family," I clarify. "It's perfect."

Aonung just smiles, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"I love you Koy."

"Love you more, fishlips."


Clarification for time skip:

Aonung and Akoya are now clan leaders. They have two kids; Tsu'tey and Se'zarae (Seze).

Lo'ak and Tsireya are mates with a child on the way.

Kiri and Rotxo are together.

Zei'ke and Neteyam are together.

Tuk is a teen; a fierce warrior with a hot ass bf too.


And scene.


Oh my fucking Eywa. 

This has been such a rollercoaster and I can't believe that it's just finished now.

You have no ideas how many tears, both happy and sad, I've spared over this book, but this is such a surreal moment for it to all be over.

I just want to say that you were all the most amazing, loving, supporting readers and I don't know how I would've done it without you all.

You have helped my life so much, even saved it at times, and I really hope this isn't the end for all of us and I'll see you in my next book - Dangerous Game.

I love you all infinitely, and pls share your thoughts below so I can hear what you all thought of this book.


What was your favourite Aonung - Akoya moment?

What was your favourite part of the book?

Is there ANY requests for a new story for me to write?


I love you all so much. Please don't forget me, I'm always here if you ever need anything.

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