Chapter 16 (Deku)

Start from the beginning

"I'd like you to stop by the lab. I want to run a few tests."

"No," Deku refuses. "I know how your tests go. I'll be there for days."

"Then when you bring the boy over. I'll do the tests while you wait."

"I'll have Toga take him to you. She's more than capable and can keep me updated."

"Deku," a second voice answers on the earpiece. "Go to the doctor. Even if you are all right, you are overdue for more tests anyways."


"I need to make sure you are not getting worse," All for One says. "Go to the doctor tonight. That is an order."

"What about Bakugou?"

"Leave him there. You are more important. Let him sit for a while. We will take him to the Doctor once we know you are okay and have recovered."

Deku runs a hand through his hair and signs. "Alright, fine. I'll go."

"Good," All for One breaths.

"I will expect you within the hour," The Doctor adds.

Deku hangs up, takes out the earpiece, and smashes it under his heal out of annoyance. "Hour my ass," Deku mumbles under his breath. He'll get there when he gets there.

Deku presses into the shadows of the alley as a patrol car rolls down the road. Two cops on foot turn down a side road towards run down apartments. Deku glances down the road before following the uniforms. They split off. One heads to the second floor while the other one stays below.

Head down, Deku leans against the wall out of the cop's line of sight as a tenant leaves their apartment and passes by. Rapping sounds then a door opens. The cop keeps a quiet voice as he speaks to the person at the door. After a few moments the door clicks shut and the cop moves to the next apartment.

Deku listens for the voices to begin speaking. Then pushing away from the wall he had been hiding against, he makes his way to the other side from around the back of the building. With the  door now between him and the cop, Deku slowly makes his way over.

The cop goes another door down. Deku stops and pretends to fish out keys three doors down until the cop begins repeating his questioning.

Deku closes the distance. A wicked grin on his face, he meets the man's wandering gaze. Eyes aflame, Deku snaps his fingers and lets fire dance in his palm. He brings a finger to his lips, signaling for the cop to stay quiet.

The cop takes a gulp and turns back to the tenant. He nods his head, apologizes for bothering them, and excuses himself. Once the door is firmly closed, he turns to Deku. A shaking hand falls to the gun clasped at his hip.

Deku simply raises a brow, daring him to continue.

The cop halts. 

"Good choice," Deku says quietly as he glances up at the partner at the other end of the complex.

The cop follows his gaze nervously." Don't worry. She'll be fine. I only need one of you tonight."

Deku takes a step forward and extinguishes the flame.

"Where is-"

Deku shakes his head and pulls out a knife. "I'd be concerned about yourself right now if I were you." He smiles, stepping right under the cop, and draws the knife under his jaw.

"Such a delicate thing, the human body. Burn it. Cut it. Drain enough of its blood and you cause someone to lose conciseness. But if you're not careful, drain too much and you won't wake up. You can even cause enough pain without shedding more than a few drops of blood and it sends you into shock. Which one would you prefer? Fire? Or blood?"

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