Part 65: Room for Improvement

Start from the beginning

Mike: Ah so that's why there so many close calls back there because you never remembered you could just teleport outta there. That could have saved you all like, how long?

Reed: Too long...

Katsuragi: Aw damn! We could've saved Hibari in two minutes yet it took us nearly 10 hours because of those Hebiho-

Roy: Don't call them that.

Homura: Yeah that's rude as hell!

Hikage: I'm not too offended by it.


Yomi: Yeah... It's not really nice to call someone that...

Haruka: I agree. To some degree of course~

Mike: Hell do you mean by that?

Miyabi: I'd rather not question it...

Yozakura: It's probably for the best...

Mike: Alright, moving on. *Pulls out the training cube* Took me a while to find it but here we go. *Presses the button*

*The cube then grows a purple light*

Reed: Wait what's going on? This wasn't in the first time-

Mike: I needed to upgrade it so it could bring everyone here at once.

Roy: How fast did it take to-

*Everyone is then sucked into the training cube and enters the realm*

Mike: Here we are. By the way, how'd ya find the realm the first time round?

Asuka: It was pretty good-

Minori: Woah~!!! This place is so colorful!

Hibari: I know right!?

Miyabi: Tsk, what an eyesore... And it's everywhere...

Mike: This took me nearly a year to make, cut me some slack alright?

Yumi: Yes. Perhaps it's not that bad. Maybe it can even help us grow more aware of our surroundings if it's like this.

Mike: Not my intention but alright.

Reed: So there's a problem here...

Mike: What seems to be the problem?

Reed: There's 43 of us here...

Mike: No need to worry. I can split em up properly.

Roy: How do you plan on-

Mike: I thought ahead of time. Ikaruga, Miyabi, Homura, Yumi, you four go to one group together.

Ikaruga: Huh- why such a specific grouping?

Mike: You all are the team leaders right?

Yumi: Yes I am.

Miyabi: Yes that is correct.

Homura: Hell yeah! My squad is named after me afterall.

Ikaruga: But-

Mike: I take this off of first impressions and your the most qualified for the leader role of the Hanzō team Ikaruga.

Ikaruga: Well, I'm flattered but-

Mike: It would make the other pairings unfair so please just take your spot.

Ikaruga: Uh... Okay..?

Mike: Moving on- this is gonna take too long so I'll just write it here. *Pulls out a whiteboard from thin air*

Asuka: Holy hell where the hell did that come from!?

Mike: Don't question it. *Writes on the whiteboard* There are all the pairings so go on and spar with one another and improve upon it. Even thought it might not look like I am, I'll be observing you all carefully.

Reed: Hm, alright. Gotcha.

Hibari: But... Where's my name?

Minori: And mine?

Murasaki: And mine too... *Yawns*

Mirai: Yeah and mine too!

Mike: That's the fun part. Your up with me.

*Everyone then looks at Mike with wide eyes*

Mike: What? Surprised? You four have the biggest room for improvement, and I'm gonna make you pull that improvement out of your busty, and flat, bodies.

Mirai: HEY!

Mike: Don't get offended. I have a lot of flat friends so it's no surprise that I call em flat.

Mirai: But still!

Hibari: B-b-b-but-

Mike: Hibari, your scared. That's a problem. You need to overcome fear. There is nothing wrong with being afraid but you can't let your fear of your strong opponent overpower you and control your actions.

Minori: But I'm not-

Mike: Minori, your too carefree. Your childish demeanor is fine but your being too childish. That will make you lose focus and will eventually end up in you being stuck in a stick situation without you realizing it.

Murasaki: And I guess it's because I'm too tired..?

Mike: Precisely.

Murasaki: I guess... I can give it a shot...

Mike: Nice! Improvement already!

Hibari: I'll do it too then!

Minori: So will I! Hehe~

Mirai: Fine... I'll go too... BUT DONT GET ANY IDEAS!

Mike: ... I don't get what you mean.

--------To be continued

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