Act 14 • Infiltration - Sailor Mars

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Word Count : 2043

"Emiko! Usagi! Wake up!" Mom shouted from the kitchen.

"Way ahead of you, Mom." Usagi told her as we walked into the kitchen.

"Good Morning."

"Since when do you two get up this early?"

"I bet it's pretty chilly since hell froze over."Shingo said quietly, yet it was loud enough to be heard..


"They will be in her third year of junior high soon. Looks like they decided to shape up."

"Oh, no! I forgot to do my homework! What am I gonna do?" Usagi gasped at the sudden realisation.

"You can use my answers when we get to school." I signed, shaking my head at her.

"Thank you!" Having woken up early we had made it to school without having to rush on our way.

"Good morning, Usagi, Emiko." Naru waved.

"Morning!" I sat at my desk, listening to the teachers and admiring the calm and beautiful day. Since the battle was over, days were more peaceful and I could only hope it stayed like this.

Usagi and I went our separate ways at the end of the day. She made her way to the arcade while I headed to the park, stopping at a store on my way. I arrived a little later than expected and saw Mamo-chan sitting on a bench reading one of his books. I hurried over to kiss his cheek as a surprise.

"You're late. Did you get detention again?"

"Nope!" I smiled. I pulled the pocket watch from my skirt pocket and showed him. "I had to pick this up. I had your watch fixed. See? It's ticking again." I placed it next to his ear so he could hear it for himself. He smiled and took it from my hand and traded it with the handkerchief that I had misplaced so long ago.

The two of us shared a kiss but he pulled away and I could tell something had hit his head. Above us a giant portal opened above us. I watched as something fell from it, being so surprised by the situation I didn't dodge and felt it crash onto my neck.

"O-Ow, my neck! Something broke, I swear!" I looked up and saw a young girl holding onto Mamo-chan. "W-Who is that clinging onto Mamo-chan?!"

"Mamo-chan?" the little girl repeated quietly. "I'm Emiko!" she said, looking at me.


"And who are you?! Why do you have the same hairstyle as me?"

"That's what I would like to know! I'm Emiko Tsukino!"

"You're... Emiko Tsukino?"

"Huh?" I heard a click and the next thing I knew a gun was pointed at my head.

"If that's true, then you should have the LSUNC. Give it to me. Right now! This is a real gun, you know. If you won't hand it over..." Mamo-chan pulled the girl away as she fired the gun and flowers popped out from the end. It was just a toy.

"You scared the hell out of me! It's just a toy." He dropped the kid on the ground and she ran off without another word. "Hey! Wait up!"

"I'm not dead... Mamo, where is that mini me?" I gasped.

"Well... she ran away."

"What's with her? She ordered me to hand over my LC."

"It seemed like she knew you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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