Act 5 • Makoto - Sailor Jupiter

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Word Count : 3182

My sister and I made our way through the streets making our way to school, holding our umbrella as the rain fell. Usagi let out a loud yawn as we walked.

"Where are your manners, Usagi-chan? You're not very aware of things are you?" Luna commented.

"Aware of things?"

"Yes, you need to be aware of your responsibilities." Luna explained. I started walking a little faster to get away from the conversation. "That goes for you to Emiko-chan, I see you trying to run from this conversation." I slow back down, continuing my walk at the same pace.

"You say that but..." Usagi smiled. "Luna, you're getting heavier these days. You're not aware of things." I stopped walking when I saw the light turn red but Usagi wasn't paying attention and by the time I called out to her it was too late.

"Usagi!" In the blink of an eye someone tackled my sister to the other side of the street getting her out of the way just in time. Once the cars were gone I rushed over to Usagi, making sure she was not injured. "Usagi! Are you alright?" I looked at the person who saved her and saw a girl taller than the average height wearing a different school uniform, with reddish brown hair pulled into a ponytail and green eyes. "Thank you very much!"

"It's very dangerous. Be careful." she said.

"R-Right..." Usagi stuttered and the girl walked off with her umbrella "She smelled really nice." Usagi commented.

"You almost got hit by a car and you're focusing on the girls sent?" I sighed "Let's just not have this happen again."


"Naru-chan, you look so beautiful." Usagi said, looking at the picture of our friend.

"The flowers really suit you." I admired the picture of Naru wearing a wedding dress with a nice bouquet of pale pink flowers.

"My cousin is getting married soon. But she and her husband couldn't make the fitting, so I wore it instead. It's a bridal shop near the entrance of the shopping district." She explained.

"I've heard that some men that have visited the bridal shop have gone missing." Umino stated, coming out of nowhere. "Maybe your cousin's husband has gone missing, too."

"Umino! How could you say that?" Usagi shouted.

"Yeah." Yumiko agreed.

"You can't just make assumptions like that." I told him.

"My cousin's wedding is in June so she'll have a happy marriage." Naru said, looking worried from Umino's words.

"She's getting married in June!" Usagi cheered.

"You mean a June bride?"

"June brides are said to be blessed with an endless marriage of happiness."

"I want to be a bride!" Yumiko smiled.

"I wanna wear a wedding dress!" Usagi said as she spun around the hallway accidentally bumping into someone. I pulled Usagi back before she bumped into anyone else and there was the person from this morning.


"Be careful." She said and walked off. This time I knew what Usagi meant. She smelled really nicely of roses.

"She looks really intense."

"Hey, why aren't you wearing your uniform?" A teacher called out to the girl.

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