Act 11 • Reunion - Endymion

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Word Count : 2898

I stood by the ruins from the moon. Everything was the same as when we visited it.

This is... it's the palace.

There stood a person not too far from where I was. There he was, Tuxedo Mask. Once he saw me looking he began to run away.

"Wait! Tuxedo Mask!" I shouted as I ran after him. But the more I ran the further he got into it and he faded out of view. "You're Tuxedo Mask, right? Please, say something."

"Emiko-chan." A voice in the mist called out.

"Emiko-chan." A new voice called out to me.

Why does his voice sound different?

"Emiko-chan!" I bolt up hearing Luna's voice calling me.

"Ah!" I was unable to balance myself in the quick movement and fell out of bed. "Oh, it's just you, Luna."

"How rude! What do you mean 'just'?" She frowned.

"I was so close to seeing him again." I mumbled to myself, staring at the stopwatch. I put it in my hand, holding it close to me.

It stopped working when we got back from the Moon. Is he doing well somewhere?

"Fine, fine... I guess I'm not that important to you." Luna sighed. I picked her up and held her, to comfort myself and her.

"Luna. I'm sorry. I do care for you."

"Emiko-chan, are you okay? You seemed like you were having a nightmare."

"Did I? Don't worry, I'm full of energy!" I smiled. "Now to go get changed! Usagi's not in bed meaning she is already a step ahead of me, so I better catch up." It didn't take me long to put on my uniform.

"Hey, Emiko-chan... You can talk to me about anything. Remember, I'm your allay." Luna told me as I finished attaching my broach to my bow.

"Yes, I know. Thank you, Luna." I told her. The door to the room opened with Usagi sticking her head in.

"Oh good, you are awake. I was just about to wake you up. It's time to head out."

"Understand, just let me grab something to eat."


The three of us walked along the road to school. No one said a word as the time passed.

The Legendary Solar Crystal... The Queen said it's power was up to me. To get the brightness of the Legendary Solar Crystal, I shouldn't feel down anymore.

Eventually we stopped when we arrived at the corner of the street that we were on. "All right, I will be at the command centre." Luna told the two of us. We crouched down so we could hear her and so she didn't talk loud, allowing others to hear a cat talk.

"Okay, got it. Let me know if anything happens."

"See you later." Usagi waved. I start to stand up again but as I straighten myself out I get knocked back down when someone bumps into me. They didn't react and continued walking. The stopwatch falls out of my pocket and I quickly catch it so it doesn't break. And for a small moment I saw the hands move just for a moment. I looked at the person who walked into me and my eyes widened.

From behind, he looks just like him. But he can't be here.

I checked on the watch and it was back to no longer working.

But why did it start working again, even if it was just for a moment?


"Wow!" Usagi gasped. The day passed by quickly and soon it was almost gone as we made our way to Ami's. She was already at her house to make sure things were alright for us to come over. "Ami's place is gorgeous!" We all admired the large and modern condo building. It was a beautiful building. After staring for a moment we made our way inside. "Hey! Everything's so shiny and polished, isn't it?" Usagi gasped.

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