Act 6 • Tuxedo Mask

475 24 2

Word Count : 2556

"The Sun rod is a new item. It will help you fight your enemies."

As I held it close to me I could feel the warmth from it. Something told me that the fights were only just beginning.


Usagi and I walked along the streets early in the morning, heading to school. The two of us took our time walking to school because it was one of the few times that we had left the house on time and were not running late for school. We picked up the pace. Ami and Mako were at the cross light waiting for it to turn green.

"Ami-chan! Mako-chan! Morning." Usaki loudly greeted.

"Good morning." I said.

"Good morning, Usagi-chan, Emiko-chan"

"Congratulations on not being late today." Ami told us.

"My bad dreams have been more repetitive lately so I wake up earlier and I tend to wake Usagi up at the same time." I explained.

It's been the same dream every night. Normally it would be different but this one keeps resting for some reason.

A mob of people move together holding swords, pitchforks and torches. They would pick up their pace and begin to attack me and each time someone would step in front of them and protect me. But like each dream this person did not have a face.

Who are you?

I questioned myself as I walked in front of the others. I had managed to zone and was no longer paying attention to exactly where I was going. I make a turn on the next corner and crash into someone, falling on the ground. "Ow."

"Are you okay?" The person I crashed into asked. I looked up and I honestly shouldn't have been surprised who it was.

"Ah! It's you again!" I gasped. There in front of me was Mamoru Chiba.

"Jeez... You should pay more attention where you walk, Bun-head." He commented.

"I could say the same to you." I told him. 

He reached out his hand to help me up but I was too embarrassed to accept his help

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He reached out his hand to help me up but I was too embarrassed to accept his help. I got up on my own and wiped myself down removing any dirt or rocks that were still on me. "No thanks."

"Be careful." I responded and continued on his way.

"Who is he?" Mako-chan asked me.

"I don't know?" I lied.

"He's the guy Emiko-nee has been bumping into all the time these days." Usagi answered for me.


"Emiko-chan, you're blushing." Mako-chan pointed out.

"No I'm not." I said, slapping my hands on the sides of my face hiding the redness.

149.72 million km [Tuxedo Mask]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora