Act 12 • Enemy - Queen Metalia

301 19 6

Word Count : 1812

"You're joking, right? Mamo-chan!" I shouted. Her words sounded true but I didn't

"Princess, the prince that you knew is no longer with us." Queen Beryl said.

"Is that true? Answer me, Tuxedo Mask!"

"Sailor Sun, calm down." Ami said, her voice calm.

"He's just under her control temporarily. We just need to defeat Queen Beryl" Rei told us.

"That will be futile. Prince Endymion is dead."


"He has been resurrected by our great leader Queen Metalia's power. He has received powers just as I did, as the most powerful warrior in the Dark Kingdom!"


Tuxedo Mask raised his hands, the dark energy gathered in her hand turning into a sphere of power.

"No... You're kidding...I can't... I'm not ready... I can't fight against him." He was going to attack and I wasn't strong enough to fight him.

"Do it, Endymion." Queen Beryl ordered.

"Supreme Thunder!" Sailor Jupiter was no longer unconscious, using her own attack to block Tuxedo Mask's attack.


"Sorry, everyone. But I'm ready to fight now!" She apologised. More attacks were directed to us, we created a shield to protect ourselves but it was getting harder to protect ourselves. The attacks started to damage the command centre, as we watched the columns begin to crack.

"At this rate, the command centre will..." Artemis told us.

"I'll create a shield." Ami shouted. "Hyperspatial Sphere Generate!" Ami had created a sphere around us, in doing so we were almost in a new location protecting the outside area from any more damage.

"Wherever we fight, it will be the same!" Queen Beryl shouted. Her long red hair shot out and curled around each one of us, binding us into one place. "Now tell me, Princesses! Tell me the secret to the power of the Legendary Crystal!"


"How I've waited for this moment for so long! Ever since I first knelt down before our great ruler, Queen Metalia!"

"The great ruler, Queen Metalia?" Venus repeated, realisation crossed her face and her eyes went wide.

"Venus?" Mercury called out.

"It's her. She's the one behind all of this. She brainwashed the people on Earth, invaded the Moon, and ruined everything! That woman sold her soul to Queen Metalia!"


"Prince! Are you betraying the Earth? Curse you!" A red headed woman shouted. Her gaze fell upon. "Take this!" She yelled, a dark and cruel energy surrounded the woman. Endymion quickly stepped between the two of us. The sword she carried was brought down, slashing Endymion, delivering a fetal blow.


"I remember now. The day Beryl killed Endymion..."

"You were resurrected in this world, too?" Venus asked.

"Queen Beryl!"

"You're just being used by that demon as well!" Mars told her.

"Wake up already!" Jupiter shouted. She laughed in response to everyone's words.

149.72 million km [Tuxedo Mask]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ