Act 9 • Aelia and Serenity - Princesses

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Word Count : 2277

"Tuxedo Mask... Open your eyes!" The force of the attack knocked him over into my arms. I stared at his unmoving body with wide eyes. I felt my eyes begin to water. "Wake up...Tuxedo Mask! " Slowly I watch his arms reach upwards to me.

"Aelia." He mumbled. His arms dropped to his side and he went limp and silent. I felt my whole self begin to shake and I couldn't stop. I wanted to scream. I wanted to scream so loud I could never scream again. And I did.

"No!" I felt my voice carry itself to anyone who was listening. I felt my forehead become light as my tiara shattered. It felt warm and as a circle faded into existence where the tiara used to be.

"The mark of the first princess?" Sailor Moon tiara changed into a crescent mark and did the reverse to Sailor V.

"Sailor Sun's... she's changing." My body began to glow a golden light and my sister's as well.

"So's Sailor Moon." Usagi was no longer wearing her Sailor Guardians clothing but instead a long white gown.

"Usagi's become Princess Serenity..."

"That would mean..."

"That Emiko's..." they looked over and I was wearing a similar dress in different shades of yellow and orange.

"Princess Aelia."

I was holding his stopwatch in my hands. I finally opened my eyes to the situation and watched the hands on the clock move backwards.

The clock that was stopped is now moving backwards. Going back in time. I'm starting to regain my lost memories... of our sad past.

My memories were flashing before my eyes. I remember the people marching to the castle. I remember someone attacking me. I remember screaming when someone steps in between

"I remember now. I remember you." I placed my hands gently on his face. "My beloved Endymion."


Deep, magnetic blue, just like your eyes. A blue planet, full of hope, and it was my very own secret.

I had snuck out and off the moon and was on Earth, hiding behind one of the columns in the garden. I poked my head out to look at the person standing near a fountain at the centre of the garden.

The first Prince of the Earth, Endymion. He is strong and charming. I've come to this planet many times just to see him. Then...

"You can come out." He called out. "I know you are there." He smiled in my direction. I paused for a moment thinking about what I should do. But once the moment was over I stepped out and walked over.

Eventually... we came to love each other.

He held out his hand for me to take and I took it.

It's warm...


"Endymion, we must not see each other anymore." I told him. We stood out on the balcony staring at the night sky.

"Why?" He asked, looking me in the eye.

"People of the Earth and the people from space must not see each other, like we see each other. That is God's law." He leaned forward and I didn't stop him. He placed his lips on mine like every time before and I kissed back.

I know I mustn't fall deeper in love with him. I mustn't... but I had fallen too deep to go back now.


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