chapter 139 no. no we can't

Start from the beginning

Chloe:you best believe I'm telling izuku about this

*Both mother and daughter whined loudly
But Chloe was having none of it they ruined her shopping day and now they were both gonna suffer*

Chloe:and you really? You're her mother, you should be above her manipulation! This is just ridiculous utterly ridiculous!

Momo:my baby was crying!

*Chloe said coldly holding her hand out, Eri grumpled and gave Chloe something, momo looked and had a completely betrayed look*

Chloe:a crying stick, you will do anything to get out of therapy huh

Eri:because I don't need it I haven't cut myself since I got caught and I'm fine!

Chloe:kid even your father is going to therapy you have no excuse if he needs it so do you. And you call that fine?

*Chloe said pointing to eri's wrist that were on a constant state of redness with all the scratching she's done. Eri growled at her and hid her arms with her hoodie, momo looked at her daughter extremely worried just as she was about to say something Isabela came back out*

Isabela:eri, Mirabel will see you now

*Eri sighed she got up and walked to see the doctor who was writting on her notepad without even looking at her*

Mirabel:hello eri, please sit down and we can begin

*Eri grumpled but did as she was told. Mirabel finished and looked at Eri with a small smirk*

Mirabel:seems you couldn't escape me again so sorry about that. So tell me how was your week?

Eri:it was fine, made some new friends and my parents took me to the amusement park

Mirabel:how nice, so was miss Asui there?

Eri:...yes she was there but she didn't come to the amusement park with us, she decided to let me go with my family

*Eri rolled her eyes at the sound of the click on Mirabel's pen as she began to write*

Mirabel;so you don't consider her family?

Eri:I didn't say that....

Mirabel:but you meant it. Remember whatever you tell me will stay with me

*Eri sighed and rested on the couch, she didn't talk for a moment just letting herself collect her thoughts on one tsuyu asui* no i don't see her as family I see her as a woman who even if I hate to admit it my dad loves and makes him happy

Mirabel:how long has it been since you found out miss Asui was in a relationship with your father?

Eri:it's been 1 year and like 3 months

Mirabel;then it's perfectly natural to feel this way, over time you'll learn to accept tsuyu as a part of your life and a part of your father's life

Eri: doesn't mean I have to like it...

Mirabel:never said you had to like it but it's the truth you now live in now

Eri:can we change the subject?

Mirabel:of course let's talk about the girl satsuki Asui

*Eri groaned loud enough that momo and Chloe could hear it outside*

Eri:why do we have to talk about her? She's in military school and out of my life that's all that matters

Mirabel:she's was your best friend at one point yes?

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