"Well there aren't many people walking around with pet foxes here."

My jaw clenched as I look down to Kit as he growls at the boy, my body side stepping in between them as the boy steps back, gasping a little at Kits reaction.

"Kit doesn't like to be referred to as a 'pet'. What's your name anyway?"

I ask, my fox sitting down behind me as he sulks.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki! Who are you?"

I see the boy looking me up and down as I smirk, moving past him as I walk toward the village gates, Naruto joining me as we do.

"I'm Aimi Hidaka and that's Kit. It's nice to meet you Naruto."

Kit let's out a disapproving grunt as I chuckle, Naruto gazing down at the fox and moving to walk on the other side of me as we move through the gates.

"Why were you out training alone? Don't you have a sensei to help you with that kinda stuff?"

"Yeah I do but sometimes he just tells me what to do and then reads the whole time, he was on a mission anyway but he's back today."

Naruto walks alongside me with his arms up behind his head, his facial expression showing me that he is annoyed at the fact his teacher has been gone. I look down at him for a few moments as we walk into the heart of the village, my eyes seeing the trails of red chakra that linger around him. There's no doubt that this child has the nine tailed in him.

"Well kid, where's good to eat around here?"

I ask as we stop, my gaze studying my surroundings as I notice a few of the Shinobi's looking at me and Kit with slight suspicion in their eyes. That didn't take long.

"Ichiraku Ramen is great! It's right over there!"

I look in the direction of the small shack, chuckling lightly at the sound of excitement in the boys tone.

"You hungry?"

I ask him, my eyes looking at his face light up as he grabs my hand - practically dragging me to the shack as he waves to who I presume are the owners as we sit down, Kit staying down by my feet as his tail gently twitches, his eyes looking out at everyone to make sure no danger was present.

"I'll take whatever the kids having. And some chicken for my friend."

I gesture to Kit and they look at me a little weirdly, clearly wanting to ask more questions before they decide against it. Starting to cook up our orders.

"Naruto. Why am I not surprised to find you here?"

A male voice surprises me as I turn to look at the stranger beside Naruto. How the hell did he get in without me noticing? The sneaky little...

"Kakashi-Sensei your back! How was your mission?"

I look at the man closely, his tall, lean physique prominent as he stands at the bar beside Naruto. I turn my gaze forward when the dishes as set out in front of us as I say a quiet 'thank you' before sliding off the stool to place the bowl of plain chicken on the floor for Kit. My hand stroking his head as he sniffs at it before diving in.

"And who are you?"

I flinch again at the sound of the males voice - my eyes staring at his feet as he now stands directly in front of me. Kits eyes darting to him as he lets out a growl, my hand immediately grabbing his snout as I shush him.

"That's Aimi Hidaka! She's not from around here."

Naruto answers for me as he slurps away at his ramen bowl, my head tilting up to his sensei as I see his face is mostly covered by a mask. Only one eye showing. I just want to be clear here that when I say you can get glared at with one eye, I mean it. The guy was literally burning a hole in my head with his stare.

"I can see that."

I slowly stand, deciding to slide back onto the stool and face my lunch, my fingers grabbing at the chop sticks as the man moves to the empty stool beside me, Kit immediately growling again before I nudge him with my foot.

"Quit it."

I say, my tone sharp as I focus on my food - trying to avoid all eye contact with the Jonin next to me.

"Thanks for the food Aimi, I was starving!"

I hear Naruto say as he slurps up the last of the broth, my eyes drifting over to him as I continue to eat mine.

"Anytime Kid, try not to fall at anyone else's feet today, okay?."

I tease as Naruto laughs, rubbing the back of his neck as he jumps off the stool.

"You got it! See ya around!"

I watch him rush off, going to do some more training no doubt, hopefully he doesn't wear himself down too much. I sigh as I smile again, turning back to my food as I notice the kid's instructor was facing me completely now as I swallow deeply. Uncomfortable with the intensity of his stare.

"Whatever you want to say, I'd rather you just spit it out instead of trying to intimidate me with that one eye of yours."

My tone was less friendly than before as I continue to finish off my lunch, my hand moving to my pocket to pay them for the meals.

"What exactly brings you here? And why are you so interested in Naruto?"

His voice is annoyingly calm but it has that edge to it, the kind of edge that determined the words I was going to say next. I'm not entirely sure why he thinks I have any interest in the kid, yes he's got a fox spirit inside of him, an angry one at that, but that doesn't mean I want anything.

"Well firstly, I have no interest at all in the boy. He simply fell in front of me on my way into the village and I offered to buy him lunch."

I pause, moving to face him now. My arms crossing as I look at him.

"And secondly, I was hungry and I stopped in to buy supplies. That's not a crime now is it?."

"No it's not but..."

I cut him off. "But nothing. Mind your business, end of."

Kit jumps into my lap and squares up to him, Kakashi... That was his name right? Who cares. The one eyed dude, let's go with that. He immediately gets up to give us space. Kit growling loudly in his face as he shows off his fangs.

"Thank you both for the food, it was delicious. The best thing I've eaten in a long time."

I ignore the ninja who has his eyes locked onto me as I stand, Kit landing silently on the ground as his tail moves aggressively from side to side. I bow my head to the owners in thanks again before sliding on my back pack and walking out the shack with my fox, Kakashi doing the smart thing and remaining where he is.

God, why are people so suspicious all the time? Can't a girl get some food without someone getting in her business? I glance over my shoulder as I walk away, the Jonin nowhere to be seen as I let out a breath of relief, my task of getting supplies back to the top of the list as I start to look at the shops on either side of the street.

Tails of the Kitsune.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن