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With each step he took the grass made a crunching sound. Raising the bat, he fixed his determined gaze on her. Taehyung's body felt lifeless in her arms the attacker's body towering over her.

Is this how it's going to end?

She embraced him tightly, lowering herself and becoming a human shield for Taehyung. It's my turn to save him...

We will die anyway... at least if someone found him before I die, he can be saved.

The bat struck her shoulder making her shriek. The stinging pain made her eyes water and her tears fell on Teahyung's face. Why am I so pathetic... I can't protect myself let alone anyone else...

Her muscles stiffened, and she pulled Taehyung even closer. Mustering up the courage she looked up at the attacker's eyes. His face was visible this time, a middle-aged man with a sparse mustache and a light beard. A mix of white and black hair adorned his petite frame, but his eerie grin sent shivers down her spine.

This time it would be different... I'll protect him.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" she shrieked making the man flinch "Shut up!"

Even if I can't fight him... I can buy us time and draw attention towards us even if there is a slim chance of getting help.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" her cry was even louder this time. "Bitch shut up or I'll kill-"

"SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!... HELP! HELP US!." the man dropped the bat and took a small knife from his pocket. She cried and tightened her grip on Taehyung. The attacker raised his arm and she shut her eyes close expecting it to pierce through her skin but instead, she felt a drop of warm liquid on her ear.

Gazing up she discovered Jimin holding the knife's blade in his hand. The blood dripped down his arm, making his shirt's white sleeve red-tinted. Oh... God, thank you...

The attacker let go because of Jimin's stubbornness. Before he could catch a breath, Jimin dropped the knife and kicked the attacker in the stomach. It caused him to fall and wince clutching his back. Jimin lifted the bat from the ground and aimed it toward the attacker. He stumbled and withdrew crawling backwards. As Jimin motioned towards him the latter frantically tried to stand up.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Before Jimin could reach him he had already started striding off in the distance. Jimin didn't chase him much and he rushed back to Aera, who was trembling and was in agony.

"Are you okay?" Aera glanced at Jimin's blood-dripping hand. "You should look at yourself, you are bleeding!" he took out his handkerchief and tied it tightly around his hand. She heard Taehyung wince, his voice was faint but audible to her.

"Hey, hey- buddy stay awake." Taehyung opened his eyes slightly, the blood on his forehead had dried up. Solid red flakes stuck to his skin. Jimin lifted him, making his hand sting as he moved it. Aera was still trembling a little, and her shoulder was numb. She could move her left arm but even in that stinging agony, she helped Jimin to lift Taehyung.

They started walking towards Jimin's car which was parked a few meters away. Teahyung's arm was around Aera's uninjured shoulder and the other was around Jimin's shoulder.

"Keep talking to him..." Taehyung's eyes were slightly open "We have to keep him conscious."

"Hey Taehyung" he weakly hummed in response to her voice "You know-"

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