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The day was frostier than usual, just a sign that winter is about to begin. Aera pushed the glass door of the grocery store. The girl at the counter smiled at her.  Her long maroon hair were tied up in a loose braid, and strands of hair covered her ears.

"So, what's new?"

"Nothing much got accepted for the interview round for a job I'm not sure can go any further." Mei smiled at her best friend's reply. 

"You don't get tired of putting yourself down girl-you'll do just fine"

Thank you Mei... you made my day.

"So, what's on the list today?" Mei looked at her waiting for an answer "The usual". She had it all memorized-coffee beans, a dozen eggs, bacon, instant noodles...

Mei walked out of the counting and started collecting the items. Aera's phone buzzed loudly.

"Who is it? Some dude stalking you or something" Mei's echoed through the aisles. "As if someone would be interested in me."


Miss Kim Aera,

You are shortlisted for the interviewing round to be held at 10:30 am KST. All the details about the online mode will be provided in the following link:


Team Bighit


"Ridiculous, you're stunning, don't belittle yourself." A chuckle escaped from Aera's side.

Mei came back holding the stuff, she put all of it on the counter and started putting each item in a plastic bag. "You know, I can deliver groceries at your house, no need to trouble yourself"

"No Mei, it's fine I'm a freeloader. I can at least do this much to help" Mei weakly smiled and handed Aera the bag. "I don't get you, girl, no one is a freeloader at their own parent's house." Turning her heel towards the glass door she saw a familiar face.

His black hair, that charming face she knew all too well.

Why him... why did I have to run into him of all people.

Their eyes met, and she felt a pang in her chest. She quickly hid her face, pulling her mask up. The man looked surprised, his eyes were locked on her.

She pretended not to know him and pushed the door causing their shoulders to bump. But she continued walking. The man turned to look at her back.

"Aera!" he called out, she froze hearing him say her name again.

Don't call me after all these years... you're the worst, Cha Eunwoo

She didn't turn and kept walking. "Aera! Listen to me" Tears started falling from her eyes as continued to walk. "Aera!" he grabbed her hand causing her to halt.

"What do you want?" she replied, trying not to sound like she was crying. Her back faced him, she didn't want to turn.

Please don't look... I don't want you to see how pathetic I look right now.

"You haven't changed at"

"Why are you here?" she snapped and jerked her hand out of his grip and turned to face him.

And you're as charming as ever...

"I wanted to talk." She frowned "About WHAT? Is there anything you have to say to make me more miserable?"

Just leave please, looking at you is hurtful...

"Aera... I'm sorry" she sarcastically laughed "Sorry... that's all you have to say... okay then I forgive you, don't show me your face again." She turned and started walking again, he chased her. "Aera, let me explain myself please."

"Leave me alone."

"Why are you wasting your time on her?" A woman grabbed his hand, a frown visible on her face. Aera's blood boiled looking at that woman.

This bitch... I want to rip her face off.

"I bet she is still leaching off her parents' money" Those words were a bullet to Aera's heart. All the nightmares came flashing back one by one.

Aera knew very well that if she wanted a new life she had to start from a new place and like a new person.

If I stay here any longer I will die... it's suffocating.

She could have replied but, nothing that woman said was untrue. She continued to walk.

He stopped, watching her walk past till her figure disappeared. A tear rolled down his eye.

I wanted to hear you say that you hate me and can never forgive me, Aera.

I'm the worst, I'm a traitor...


Being a dependent child, even after so much investment her parents had put into her education and upbringing.

And what have I done?


She loathed herself more than anything else. Being independent is what she has always wanted. In her eyes she was a worthless investment her parents have ever made.

Useless, a waste of money.

After the incident, her self-confidence has gone downhill. She got rejected for every job she applied for.

Background Check: Failed

Because no one wants a criminal's sister working for them.

At one point she stopped trying and was starting to believe in things people said to her.

"What a failure!"

"You always need somebody to lean on."

"Don't burden others with your worries."

"Can't you see, you disgust me!"

She pushed the doorbell and tapped her feet waiting for someone to open it.

Hoseok opened the door, she tossed the bag towards him, and stepped in. He shuffled through the things in the bag.

It's been a year since he came from jail.

"Hey! Where's my peanut butter?"

"Go bring it yourself." She stuck out her tongue and mocked him. He just laughed it off. His hair was wet, she noticed from the past few months he barely makes an effort to look presentable. He wears unironed clothes, doesn't do his hair, and skips meals. Though he pretended to be fine, she knew the light in his eyes had never come back after that day.

I wish you would smile brightly as you used to...





Hey Everyone!!

I'm back, tryna give you guys daily updates but it's hard.

Do you guys like anime? Watched any?

Stay safe, Stay tuned


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