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"Good evening, this announcement is for all passengers traveling on the 926F2 flight to Seoul. This flight is delayed two hours due to bad weather."

Aera sighed looking at the time. The crowd around her burst into whispers. They didn't seem too happy about it either. She texted Jin about the delay.

The flight was supposed to depart at 10 PM which is late enough. She would reach Seoul past midnight if this goes on. She already got her boarding pass.

As she had time to kill she decided to explore a little, it's been a long time since she came to the airport. But before any of that, she had to pee, the weather was cold, and with the air conditioners, it was freezing.

She searched the nearest washroom and rushed towards it, her kidneys were killing her. Inside, the stalls were in front of the large mirror above the basins.

A woman was retouching her make-up, her stuff was splattered all over the basin counter. When Aera passed by her she could smell the rose perfume. All the stalls seemed empty.

She was inside the stall when she heard something that sounded like some stuff falling.

The woman might have dropped it.

She shrugged it off but later some panting sounds followed, and she got out of the stall. As soon as she did, she saw a man choking the woman from before, she dropped her bag and covered her mouth trying not to scream.

I'm so screwed...

Despite the noise, he didn't budge.

The woman was pinned against the wall and the strangler's back was facing her.

There might be a chance.

She carefully reached for her phone, her hands were shaking with fear, and her knees felt weak.

She wanted to help the woman but was too afraid to go up to her and then the strangler turned. It was too late from the moment she dropped the bag, he was already aware that he had company.

He didn't waste a second, leaving that woman and coming up to her, she tried to get in the stall again but it was futile. The man grabbed her shoulder harshly and yanked her towards the wall in front of the stall.

Her back hit the wall and caused numbing pain. Her whole body was shaking, shivering. Her legs gave out, making her fall to her knees. He was wearing a black hooded jacket and a mask was covering his face.

She whimpered and looked at her side, the woman was lying lifeless on the cold floor. The strangler was in front of her eyes etching towards her, it was as if she could see the world in slow motion.

Is this how it ends...?

Am I...

Going to die...

Like this?

Anxiety and fear were taking a toll on her. She had given up on escaping, her back hurt, and she could barely move. She was hoping someone from outside would come to help.

The man grabbed her neck, she didn't resist as if she accepted this fate. He pulled her up to the point where her shoes barely touched the ground.

When things were going the right way...

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