"I'm horrible. I'm horrible. I'm so so horrible." She muttered to herself through her tears as she wiped her eyes over and over again. I was as though the tears she wiped away were quickly replaced with new ones as they rushed down her face.

She held her head in her hands letting out shallow breaths as she clenched her eyes shut. "Horrible. I'm so horrible," she continued muttering to herself as her sobs slowly turned into small sniffles. She wiped her eyes on her knee. She lifted her head slightly staring out at the big room she did not deserve. She placed her chin in her knees simply staring out into space.

She wasn't sure when she fell asleep but somewhere along the line she drifted back to a day she had hoped to never have to relive.


Clara was starving. She hadn't eaten in a good four days and she was really starting to feel it. She had chugged as much water as she could at school but it wasn't really helping anymore.

She pressed her ear up against the door trying to make out the sounds on the other side. Nothing. It was silent.

She furrowed her eye brows pressing further against the door straining her ears to hear anything.

When she was sure there was no one outside she slowly opened the door cringing when it creaked. She stood still for a moment but when she didn't hear anything she slowly stepped out of the room and towards the stairs.

She tried to step lightly trying to make as little noise as possible as she slowly descended the stairs towards the kitchen.

She needed to eat something. Anything. She just needed food. She ran into the kitchen looking behind her making sure he wasn't there.

She looked around before opening the bread bin. She let out a small sound of relief when she spotted a little piece of toast down at the bottom. She picked it up cringing slightly at the mould on the corner. She eyed it warily before coming to the conclusion that she had to eat something.

She wasn't going to last much longer. She clenched her eyes shut before taking out a big bite. She was far too hungry to care about how stale it was or the sour after taste. She let out a breath as she took another bite before she heard a throat clear behind her.

Her blood ran cold as she dropped the bread in her hand. Her eyes widened as she stood there frozen.

"So we're stealing now?" His horrible scratchy voice rang out through the room. Clara felt tears blur her vision as she slowly turned around.

She shook her head opening her mouth to defend herself but before she could blink a hard slap sent her flying down to the ground.

Her hand flew to her cheek as she looked up in fear. Andrew towered over her his face twisted in rage as he stared at her. "I didn't raise you to steal Clara," he spat out making Clara flinch.

"I-I'm sorry I- I didn't mean it." She stuttered out crawling back trying to create space between her and Andrew.

Andrew stepped down on her ankle hard making her let out a sob as he bent down grabbing her by the hair and pulling her up. Clara grabbed his hands trying to loosen his grip but it only tightened. "You know what I'm going to have to do now right? I'm going to have to punish you." He said a sick smile coming over his face as he threw her against the wall.

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