29 | The Marauders

Start from the beginning

"Exactly, and it's also surprisingly long life for a rat, isn't it?"


"And his rat has been randomly disappearing and seeming more pale and sickly since Sirius Black escaped."

"Out of fear?"

"Yes, I assume so. And, more importantly, he's missing a toe, and the only thing left after the explosion was-"

"A finger," Professor Lupin breathed, his hand going over his mouth.

I nodded. "Scabbers has had his toe missing since they got him."

"Y/N, this all seems really far-fetched." The long pause that stood in between his sentence made me think that he didn't believe me. But, after a far too long moment of contemplation, he concluded, "but I believe you."

"Listen, Ron said that Crookshanks ate Scabbers, but there wasn't a tail left."

"And cats don't often eat the tail?"

"Right, and if he did, it would have digestion issues. So that means that Scabbers has run off. I have a feeling that Crookshanks has known this for ages, since he's been chasing after Scabbers since September and no other mouse."

"I see. Could—"

The fireplace suddenly burst with flames and the sound of Snape's voice echoed from within. "Lupin! I want a word."

Professor Lupin sighed and stood. "I must attend to this. Don't leave this office, alright?" He stepped into the fire and disappeared, leaving me alone in the room.

I remained seated, awkwardly kicking my legs like an impatient child.

After a bit, something banged on the window and I turned my head, seeing Dipper trying to get in through the glass. "Dipper?" I opened the window and he flew in, holding a small piece of parchment. It was from Hagrid.

Dear Y/N,
We lost. I'm allowed to bring him back to Hogwarts. Execution date to be fixed. Beaky has enjoyed London. Already told Hermione. Thanks for all the help.

My eyes widened and I felt myself begin to tremble.

The door opened and Professor Lupin walked in with the Marauder's Map in his hand and he stopped, noticing my face. "What's happened?"

I shook my head and buried my face in my hands. As soon as I couldn't see, he put his arms around me. "It's alright," he assured. He didn't even know what I was so upset about - I guess that's one miraculous thing about him. Emotions are raw. They need no reason.


During the Quidditch final between Gryffindor and Slytherin, I shut myself in the Ravenclaw common room. I tried to study for exams but bringing up literally any animal made my heart sink.

I opened the door with a sigh and nearly tripped over a mass of orange that was at my feet. "Crookshanks?"

When I looked down, the cat's yellow eyes seemed to glare at me.

"What?" I knelt down and picked him up. "I don't have time to go to the Shrieking Shack."

He suddenly grabbed the necklace Neville gave me and ripped it off my neck before running off. "Crookshanks!" I began running after him. "Get back here!"

He ran outside and into the opening under the Whomping Willow. I groaned and slid under, quickly rising to my feet to run after.

"Crookshanks?" I called into the Shrieking Shack.

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