A Dragon And A Witch Crash Land

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Part 4 out of 9 

"This is a dumb idea." Jimmy's voice shook. 

The duo found themselves on a mountain's edge hundreds of feet in the air the wind wrapping around them. The grass beneath Joel's feet swayed breathing in the fresh air which its brothers on the other mountains covered in snow could not. Jimmy's feet however were hovered in the air as Joel's arms were wrapped around his back and under his knees carrying him bridal style while staring into his doom at the bottom of the cliff with no snow or water to be seen. Joel's hands kept the cape close to Jimmy's body as he stretched out his own wings preparing himself. Continuing to shake Jimmy looked up at Joel who scooped him up daring to even think about the idea. 

"If you want to walk another hundred million miles go ahead. But i think this is better." Joel walked towards the edge. 

"Maybe i could just wal-" 

"No." Joel's voice was surprisingly stern as he stared down at Jimmy. Blinking he looked up. "I mean you have the map so i need you with me anyway." Jimmy was confused staring at Joel. Where did that come from?

"I mean i could-" 

"Too late!" Joel shouted and walked off the edge. Jimmy screamed and buried his head into Joel's chest not daring to look up. Joel however watched as the dull grass started getting closer as the wind attempted to save the two. Allowing its help Joel expanded out his wings and he was swooped into the air holding Jimmy close to himself. The smell of natures wonders such as oak and past rain left them as they soared over the clumps of trees with snow destined to take others lives. 

After a few minutes in the air Jimmy had still refused to look up clutching onto Joel as if he was his lifeline. Which in some ways he was. His hands never lost their grip but instead tightened if he ever felt Joel tilt in any way shape or form. The cold started setting in the longer they stayed in the air which Joel could hardly feel the warm blood flowing through his body seemingly heightened being able to use his main feature once again. A feeling of freedom surged through Joel which he's never felt before. Despite being a God he never really felt like one other than doing small things like changing Jimmy's height to annoy him when Joel was having a bad day. It was his first time feeling...Powerful. 

"Toy boy look at this view!" Joel shouted over the whistling wind. He felt Jimmy shake his head still refusing to move from the safe cocoon he made for himself. "Oh no Jim..." Joel faked a yawn. "I feel my eyes getting heavy."

"Don't you dare Joel." Jimmy looked up a small bit just to glare at him. Joel smirked and started closing his eyes. "JOEL!" Jimmy felt them start to decrease at a fast pace. His fingers clawed into Joel's shirt not caring if he left any marks at this point. The wind rapidly wrapped around them as Jimmy was screaming. "FINE!" Jimmy shot his head up. He could only admire the beautiful scenery for a few seconds before a mountain blocked his view. "WE'RE GONNA CRASH!" Jimmy immediately buried his head again. 

"No we're not- oh." Joel opened his eyes. Wrapping his arms around Jimmy he shot upwards but misjudged the snow which covered the mountain's peak and crashed straight through it. Joel's vision was blocked by the snow and as quickly as they landed they were back into the air. They ended up falling barrelling towards the ground and Jimmy continued to scream not helping Joel regain any of his senses. Joel shook the snow out of his eyes to see they were very close to a house. Joel wrapped his wings around his body. The last thing either of them heard was the smashing of a window until they were clouded by darkness. 

"Yeah if i could just-" Pixlriffs was cut off by the sound of glass smashing and a loud crash. Sausage immediately pulls out his sword and runs towards the sound. Following behind Pix brought out an axe creeping next to Sausage. They ended up in front of a building where the glass was shattered and some of the wood was chipped off. 

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