A Witch But Not The Dragon Get's Trapped In A Cage

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Part 3 out of 9

Although time has passed a strong warm temperature settled onto the wandering duo as the sun settled above them. As Jimmy led now holding the map Joel saw his neat braids leading into one. Where the band tied his hair together he noticed a single red flower tucked into it. Joel exhaled and took off the cape throwing it onto Jimmy's head. Jimmy yelped pulling the cape off pulling the hat over his eyes. Lifting it up he sees Joel expanding his wings out the light not being able to break through the tough skin connecting the wings together. Rolling his eyes he wrapped the cape around himself and started fiddling with the button.

The two continued walking but Jimmy just couldn't get the button to wrap around the little piece of string connecting the two.

"Oh toy boy look-" Jimmy shouted as he fell into a hole the map flying out of his hand and gently settling onto the ground in front of Joel. "Out." Joel rolled his eyes and grabbed it. He looked back up and heard a piston then in a flash watched Jimmy disappear. The hole closed and Joel clawed at the floor shouting for Jimmy. Dirt seemed to fill in wherever he fell and Joel stood up. "GODS!" Joel shouted grabbing at his hair. Doing that he scrunched up the map and quickly took a peak. Tracking their location Joel realised where they were... At least what they were on top on.


Cold crept into Jimmy's skin as he blinked himself awake. His body ached being leaned against metal bars and finally moving around after what felt like hours. Looking around he realised he was in the familiar setting. However, he was normally on the other side. It was a cage. Not feeling his legs he crawled over to the edge of the cage and held the bars looking out. The familiar setting of Gobland lit up in front of him.

"Oh your awake!" Jimmy was startled and looked to his left where another cage was hanging right next to his. There sat a being he learned as Oli when Fwhip asked him to check him out was staring at him with a wide smile on his face. As Oli stared his head tilted glaring at the nervous blond. "You look familiar..." Oli leaned against the back of the cage and threw himself to the other side swinging the cage in hope to get a closer look at Jimmy. Quickly, Jimmy pulled his hat down covering his face looking for any weak points of the cage. Sighing he realised there were none and that his past deputy had actually done a good job of securing prisoners. What a shame. While looking for any chance of a way out he managed to tune out Oli's dramatic monologue over the 'years' spent in the cage with no one to talk to. Looking at the flashing lights gave no comfort in reminding him where he was and instead increased his pleas of Joel finding him before he appeared even counting on his lucky star. Small feet hitting the concrete floor away from them stopped not only Jimmy's thoughts but Oli's monologue. Of course Jimmy had no luck. 

He was a canary in his last life. 

The red headed goblin appeared in their line of sight as he stood on the outskirts of Gobland. What Jimmy didn't notice until now was a pathway leading upwards in front of his cage which is how it must have been built in such a small amount of time. Smiling the goblin made his way up the steps and Jimmy backed up to the edge of the cage in the corner nearest to Oli not ready to explain that the server's very own Sheriff was now behind bars as someone completely different. If anything he'd hope Fwhip thought he was still asleep and was only appearing to tell Oli to shut up. 

"I saw you looking at me witch." Jimmy sighed and turned his head to show he was listening. "Oh the sheriff is gonna have a field day with you! Another witch near Stratos? Maybe the witch from Stratos..." Fwhip smirks. Something tells Jimmy the story of what happened has been horribly mistranslated and was now travelling throughout the empires. "If only he'd answer his communicator..." Fwhip angrily muttered his fingers darting across his screen before putting it away. In the pocket of his dress his own communicator lit up as Jimmy quickly covered it. But not quick enough. Oli's loud laugh startled the blond and two pairs of eyes stared at the laughing stranger. 

"What happened Jimmy boy!?" Jimmy froze. Fwhip's head snapped to him and stared in silence not believing what he just heard. His silence bothered him so Jimmy looked up pushing the hat backwards. Seeing his sheriff in a cage in an odd predicament having the same attributes as a witch made his eyes widen in shock. Jimmy noticed that his once missing deputy badge was in the goblins hands as he was fiddling with it as he was in shock he guessed not really knowing how to deal with his 'sheriff'. Smiling Jimmy looked up and waved at the stunned Goblin before the entire cave started to shake rocking the cages. That quickly shook Fwhip out of it as he ran to the edge looking out at his empire making sure everything was sound and safe. Oli screamed and reached through the bars hugging Jimmy. Jimmy's eyes scanned around holding his breath clutching Oli's arms until a roar surpassed Oli's screaming causing the three to freeze. A small smile carved its way onto Jimmy's face pulling away from Oli who was still frozen watching as small rocks fell from the ceiling onto Gobland. 

"Took you long enough." Jimmy muttered going to the front of the cage. The people of Gobland ran around screaming as the cave continued to shake. Fwhip was still looking around determined to find out what exactly was causing this other than a possible earthquake which has literally never happened before. Suddenly,  a hole in the wall formed as a giant dragon broke through its brown and green wings expanding out as it flew over the small village. No sounds came from the beast as the villagers stared in awe of the creature. Fwhip screamed as it approached the cages and opened Oli's cage throwing himself into his arms. 

"My cage was unlocked the entire time!?" Oli questioned shaking in Fwhip's tight grip. Jimmy smiled as the dragon landed in eye sight with the cages seemingly bigger than last time (Jimmy assumed not exactly having a chance to marvel at his size before being picked up into the air). Joel's sharp teeth extended out as the lock on the cage was swiftly removed and Jimmy opened the door. He stepped onto Joel's snout and gestured to the other cage. Joel breathed onto the cage making the two scream and look away not exactly adoring the hot air mixed with snot. Jimmy leaned down and swiped the badge being held captive in Fwhip's pocket. 

"I do believe that's mine." Jimmy smirked putting it into a pocket of his own. Fwhip looked back up to argue but seeing the beast which Jimmy sat upon he assumed that the battle would not be won by himself. Jimmy carefully moved up Joel's face until he sat upon his head grabbing two smaller horns to steady himself. Patting his head Joel did a final "Roar!" Before carefully manoeuvring himself out of the cave and into the outside. 

"...Well hey roomie!" 

Once back outside into the fresh air where the warm sun caressed Jimmy's cold skin he could finally let out a breath of relief. He gasped feeling Joel speed up and held onto his hat as he laughed. Wind flew through him as Joel's wings battled back carrying them away from that mess and hopefully further onto track. After travelling away from Gobland Joel landed and let Jimmy slide onto the floor taking a proper deep breath which was not quickly stolen away by the wind. Behind him bones cracked and popped as Joel shrank down back to his normal human size. Jimmy turned and saw him still fully dressed and his wings neatly tucked behind him. The two held eye contact briefly until they started bursting out laughing. Jimmy was already on the floor and held his stomach wheezing as Joel fell onto his back kicking his legs in the air talking about their 'scared expressions.' 

After wiping his eyes Jimmy stared up and saw how a few hours had passed. He quickly pulled Joel up and started pushing him ahead. He snatched the map from Joel's belt and the two returned on their journey a new sense of comfort found in Jimmy as he knew the person he was pushing forward wiping his own tears of laughter would do whatever it takes to get him back. 

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