A Witch But Not The Dragon Goes Missing

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Part 5 out of 9 

Of course. 

Jimmy wasn't at all surprised that he woke up somewhere he didn't go to sleep but it was still a shock seeing how secure Sanctuary was. He awoke in a new bed with a blanket which couldn't compare to the softness of the ones in Sanctuary. The sound and the smell of the ocean filled his head with a sense of solace being in a place the complete opposite of Tumble Town. The room was decorated blue with themed decorations of the ocean scattered around. Swinging his legs over the bed he noticed a pile of jewels and jewellery at the foot of his bed. Outside he heard footsteps getting closer to his door. One of the participants sounding overly flirty and the other sounding tired of them already. Suddenly, one of them threw the door open. 

"A Girlfriend!" Jimmy jumped at the male voice and looked to see Joey pushing open the door showing a very tired Katherine behind him. Katherine's eyes widened looking at the girl-... Wait. 

"That's Jimmy!" Katherine pointed out. Joey looked between them confused and Jimmy put his hair up showing it shorter. He connected the dots and assumed the one to rudely kidnap him was Joey. 

"Oooooohhhhh.... well in my defence it was dark." Joey shrugged and leaned against the wall as Katherine shook her head. Jimmy couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. 

"Why were you kidnapping someone anyway?" Jimmy couldn't even feel scared knowing that he was in Joey's hands. He wasn't afraid of the pirate. 

"Well Katherine was being rude to me right after i left her dozens of beautiful gifts-" 


"Hush woman. But she was being rude so i told her i'd get a new girlfriend and well..." Joey gestured to Jimmy's whole person. "You were supposed to be my proof that i didn't need her." 

"Sorry for the disappointment then." Jimmy stared at them with a smile. Joey looked down at him in thought. 

"...Will you be my girlfriend anyway?" Joey asked and Katherine facepalmed. "Whatever... so i only have dresses in the closet since i was expecting a girl but it seems like it doesn't matter to you." Joey said gesturing down to his current state. 

"Yeah, it's complicated but dresses are fine." He got up and Katherine got out. Joey stood in the room until Katherine pulled him out allowing Jimmy to get dressed. He found a striped shirt like Joey's but instead of white and red it was blue and black stripes. Pairing it with a dark blue skirt he attached suspenders to it and made a full outfit. The only thing missing was a pair of shoes and in an instant a pair of doll shoes appeared on his feet. He never knew a perk of being a witch was clothing options. 

Walking towards what Jimmy could be assumed in the house's kitchen when a loud girlish scream was cut off by a louder roar outside. He rushed to the kitchen watching Joey jump into Katherine's arms letting out a weaker scream compared to the monstrous beast outside. As Jimmy walked to the front door he ignored the distressed yell followed by a thud behind him as he opened the door. Outside the giant beast laid itself gently onto the ground staring at Joey's home with a beastly glare. Behind him Sausage with tears streaming down his face was wrapping his arms and legs around the swaying tail seemingly not in the best position to be flying. Jimmy stepped forward and had a sense that this dragon had less control of his actions than previously thought. Cautiously, Jimmy raised his two hands in a defensive position still steadily moving forward. Hearing a gasp behind him he watched the dragons glare drift behind him where Katherine stood her eyes widened clutching the hem of her dress. Letting out a hot breath the two dresses flew and Katherine covered her face leaning away from the heat and mucus. 

"I'm okay!" He shouted in hope to reach the ears of Joel. He looked into the red eyes of the dragon before the figure of it slowly shrank down to the human that he spent most of his week with. 

"JIMMY!" Jimmy was engulfed in a hug by a very distressed man. "Thank Santa Perla we found you! Joel was very scary... and wasn't very nice to me he made me grab his tail to fly." Sausage whispered the last bit squeezing Jimmy as he spoke. Jimmy chuckled. The reunion was halted and the two jumped the sound of a guttural growl stood right next to them. As the two split apart Joel inserted himself between the two and started sniffing over Jimmy and his clothes. Jimmy stood still watching him figuring this was one of the instincts that came with the spirit. He also tried to ignore Sausages giggles as Joel lifted up his sleeves inspecting his arms. After he was deemed safe Joel stepped back and his wings shrunk in size and his face seemed more human-like. Joel didn't even feel the need to be embarrassed over what he did only feeling relieved that his person was unharmed in his care... Okay he was a little embarrassed but he blames it all on the dragon. He was a God! He can't care for someone...apart from Hermes...and Sausage...and Jimmy-

'These crystals should have come with some sort of guide' Joel thought as he looked at his claws that gently became shorter. It didn't even hurt. He continued to move the fingers around. He felt powerful. Only a small hindrance was becoming attached to someone and as long as Joel kept him safe and by his side he would be the most powerful God in existence with a fellow powerful magical user right at his side. Hearing more footsteps Joel raised his wings and his claws dug into the earth past his sandals. He looked at Joey who seemed unimpressed beside Katherine who was frozen in what Joel could only hope was admiration. 

"Ugh...Did i really just lose my new girlfriend?" Joey moaned leaning against one of the many houses his empire protected. Joel's wing grew in size and wrapped around Jimmy pulling him behind him but at his side. Jimmy followed not wanting to push against Joel's possibly delicate wing. Jimmy couldn't help but wonder what the dragon instinct was protecting in Jimmy. He thought about it being the magic that now flows through his veins and the still positive half convinced himself it was because of his shiny blond hair reminded the dragon spirit of treasure which made himself laugh at the absurdity of it all. Hearing another groan of annoyance Jimmy turned his attention back. "Fine. Have him. I'll get a new one." Joey complained and moved further away walking through his empire. No one wanted to know how that adventure would end. 

"How did you know i was here?" Jimmy asked the two. Despite Joel being right next to him his attention seemed to be elsewhere as Sausage answered. 

"As soon as Joel found out he turned into the dragon and tried to fly off! I jumped from my room managing to grab his horn the first time as we flew off!" Sausage was doing dramatic hand movements which were keeping Jimmy's attention straight to him. "Then we ended up at False's but she was asleep... i went around looking for him then this idiot tried flying off without me! Luckily enough i grabbed his tail but... never. again." Sausage said a haunted look on his face. He shook his head and a smile spread across his face. "Then we came here and then after this place that would have been Lizzie's but glad we found you here!" Sausage gave a pat to Jimmy's shoulder. Surprisingly, no growl came from the dragon boy. They followed his gaze and noticed his eyes slit and glaring at Kathrine. Jimmy was about to tell him off before noticing Katherine was standing steadily walking towards them with an axe in hand. Joel stood in front of Jimmy his claws extended out and he started baring his teeth at her. They watched as Katherine was steadying her breath knowing her role in this life and intending to follow through with it. Quickly, Jimmy stood in between Joel and Katherine (he tried to ignore the distressed whine Joel let out it seeming too good to be true coming from a God) and faced Katherine. 

"Katherine please!" Jimmy begged looking into her eyes and not the axe. "We were cursed to become this and even Joel! We're going to find a cure he's not a monster please." Katherine paused. "Give us a chance." Katherine watched as the terror in Jimmy's eyes faded into genuine pleading. Katherine sighed and lowered her axe. 

"He's not alright... I've seen that look before Jimmy. If you need any help...handling him. Give me a call." Katherine turned around. It broke everything she's ever known to let a beast as dangerous as him to escape. But she trusts him. 

"Come on Katherine. We'll go home i don't want to do anymore flying today." Sausage stood next to her and the two walked off towards the exit of Eversea. Jimmy turned around and although his teeth were no longer bared his claws still were sharpened and most noticeable was the dark red shimmering in his dark green eyes. The slit in his eyes expanded a little as Joel regained most of his surroundings seeing Jimmy in them. Before Jimmy could ask anything Joel turned into his large dragon form and laid his head down to pick Jimmy up. He nudged Jimmy on and started to fly upwards. Jimmy started to stroke the scales of the mighty beast not knowing if he could feel it. He faced the harsh wind in his hair closing his eyes. He didn't know how much worse Joel could get with his murderous tenancies. They needed to find Shelby quickly.

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