A Dragon And A Witch Walk Into Chromia

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Part 2 out of 9

Soft light touched Joel's face as he blinked awake. Looking up at the sky showed it being blocked by a roof of some sort. The vines wrapped around each other securing each other from the harsh rain from the night before. Joel didn't even realise it was raining. Gaining more of his scenes he realised he had the taste of soft hair in his mouth. He quickly moved back not being able to move far having a pair of arms around his waist and a drooling weight on his chest. He spat out using his hand to claw at the inside of his mouth getting the texture away. Blinking he noticed a small circle of fire where he spat and quickly patted it out. Hearing a noise he looked down and saw Jimmy clutching him closer wiping his drool further into his chest. Rolling his eyes Joel shook his shoulder retracting his claws.

"Oi." Joel glared down seeing Jimmy was awake but not opening his eyes. "Oi get up. You can be Scott's boy toy but you are certainly not mine." Joel smirked seeing Jimmy's frown. The victory was short-lived however as Jimmy continued to nuzzle into his chest.

"I'm choosing to ignore that since... You're so warm...but so...spiky..." Jimmy's words slowed as he closed his eyes once again. Joel rolled his eyes and rolled over. Jimmy shouted as he was flung over Joel's side onto the dirt below. He glared at the sun that was now visible to him. Joel yelped turning around and felt his back. Sharp spikes managed to form in his back which was now breaking through his clothes. Touching them he noticed a mix of gold and red blood coated the spikes. He assumed that the blood was a mix of the dragon inside of him and his God blood. He wiped it on the grass before sitting up himself stretching his wings. He noticed it hit the random vines that appeared and shuffled backwards to see the creation. Vines had wrapped around each other forming smaller leaves covering up holes and catching the rain water pouring it onto the grass around them. As Joel looked a little closer he noticed small pink and red flowers scattered across the vines. It looked cute.

"Jimmy did you make- PFFF!" Joel burst out laughing seeing Jimmy's messy bed hair along with his sleepy drooling face staring into the distance before snapping his eyes to Joel. "You look like an idiot!" Joel continued to laugh as Jimmy walked over. He grabbed Joel's hand and squeezed it. "Hey!" Joel shouted. Claws replaced his fingernails as he used them to brush through his hair.

"You're finally useful." Jimmy smirked at him. Joel looked around then used his tail to pick up Jimmy's witch hat and shoved it onto his head.

"You don't need to brush it anyway." He scowled as Jimmy fixed the hat. Joel stood up staring out at the sunrise. He wondered how they were going to get out of this mess. Jimmy noticed Joel's tail was swaying from side to side and at some points hitting the ground. "How are we gonna fix this?" Joel was glaring at the ground staring out at the mountains which covered his kingdom. What kinda ruler gets kicked out by his own subjects anyway? Not Joel that's for sure. He needed to be back and into power.

"Well..." Jimmy's voice interrupted Joel's brooding. "I've been keeping track of the kingdoms to visit and I know that Shelby knows magic. Maybe we could ask her?" Jimmy stood up next to Joel.

"Perfect! Now which way is she toy boy?" Joel asked his voice high spinning around to look at the mountains not ever hearing about this ruler.

"No idea!" Jimmy's sarcastic high pitched voice replied. Joel stared at him. "Last time I checked she was here to look into magic. Not really a whole town or village that needs a sherrif." Jimmy explained as Joel huffed and sat back down. Staring up at the now blue sky made Joel think and in a second he was up flying in the air. Just in his view over a mountain sat the village Chromia of his blue haired... friend- nope neighbour seems more right. Knowing how friendly the man was Joel thought of a plan which was rudely interrupted by Jimmy's confused yelling. Swooping down he lands right in front of Jimmy sending him back onto his butt.

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