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You had been away from home for about a week now due to your job

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

You had been away from home for about a week now due to your job. Your job had asked you and your business partner Makayla to complete some business trips.

Angus, your boyfriend of three years, has been missing you like crazy. The two have you have never been apart for more than two days within the three years you guys have been together.

Angus leaves you sweet text messages every chance that he gets, the cutest voicemails whenever you couldn't answer the call.. the man was obsessed with you.

But in a wonderful way, of course. Not too possessive, nowhere near controlling.

"Girl, I cannot wait until these trips are over! These shits have been exhausting the hell out of us."

Makayla exclaimed as you two were finishing up your drinks. You were at the bar that was downstairs in the hotel you were staying at. You playfully rolled your eyes and nodded in agreement.

"I swear! This has been the longest time away from home. Ever."

"No, literally. I'll see you in the morning, I'm gonna head back up to my room."

"Yeah, same. I'll see you in the morning."

You parted ways with Makayla as you headed back up to your hotel room. The time read 1:46am on your phone, and you had been absolutely exhausted from the long ass day you just had.

"Fuck, I am SO ready to go home already."

You mumbled to yourself as you placed the hotel room key onto the side table, plopping yourself down on the bed.

You felt yourself dozing off, when you heard your phone going off. It was an incoming FaceTime call.. from Angus!

You excitedly sat yourself up on the bed as quick as possible, answering the call.

"Gus, hi!"

"Hey, baby! I thought you would be asleep already. It's damn near already two in the morning."

Angus chuckled. You seen that he was laid back on the bed that you two shared, shirtless. You smiled.

"I just came back upstairs a few minutes ago. I was having last minute drinks with Makayla. I'm surprised you're still up. What are you still doing awake?"

"I was about to go to sleep. And then I realized I haven't heard from you in a few hours. So, I figured I would call you before I'm out for the night."

"Where's Coco?"

Coco is the chocolate Labrador that you and Angus share. You consider her the daughter that you've always wanted with Angus.

"Coco's ass knocked out before me! She's been sleep since like eleven thirty

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Coco's ass knocked out before me! She's been sleep since like eleven thirty."

"That's too funny. I miss both of my babies so much! I can't wait to come home already."

"I know, we miss you like hell too. It's been a long ass week. We still have three more days til you get home."

"I know, like what the fuck. Anyways, you caught me as soon as I was falling asleep. We'll talk tomorrow, baby. I love you, get some rest."

"Wait, I gotta show you something. I hope you'll like it. Stay right here."

Angus smiled brightly, placing his phone against the pillow to make it stay in place. You laughed and shook your head.

"Stay right here, like I'm supposed to escape somewhere. Where am I supposed to be going?"

A few seconds had passed, and Angus came back after turning the light on in the room. He had what it looked like to be his sketch pad. You raised your eyebrow, looking between him and the sketch pad.

"Whatcha got there, my love?"

"Close your eyes, I'll let you open on the count of three. And no peeking!"

"Okay, fine! My eyes are closed."

"Okay, good. One... two... three! Open!"

You opened up your eyes. What you seen almost brought you to tears, cause you couldn't believe that Angus had spent his time creating something so great for you.

It was a picture perfect drawing of you! No one had ever done that for you, ever!

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

It was a picture perfect drawing of you! No one had ever done that for you, ever!

"Oh my gosh, Gus! I fucking love it! You really did this on your own?!"

"Of course I did! It took me about four hours to finish it, but I did it! I even got your attitude face just right and everything."

"Yes, you damn sure did!"

The two of you laughed at once. After that, Angus placed the picture down gently and placed his eyes back on you.

"I'll let you get sleep. You look like you've had a long day. I love you, Y/N. Sweet dreams."

"I love you more, Gus. Sweet dreams to you as well."

"That's not possible, because everyone knows I love you way more, Y/N."

Angus drove you crazy every time he went back and forth with you on who loved who more. You rolled your eyes and smiled ear to ear.

"Goodnight, Gus. We'll talk tomorrow."

"Sure thing, Y/N. Goodnight."

IMAGINES → ANGUS CLOUDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang