Chill Day, page 5.

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Last thing I remember was falling asleep in the car with Johnnie's arm around my shoulder. As I open my eyes, I blink a few times to see where I am. I slowly sit up and look around to find out I'm in my own room. I get up and look at the mirror in my room to see I'm in the same clothes as yesterday, I go over to my closet and see that I have very few shirts clean and all of them are tight and for going out and stuff. Not something you would typically wear at home to relax. But I look at the other side of the closet and see a pair of black shorts, I change into them having the same hint on from yesterday as I head into Johnnie's room. I knock on the door and hear a faint 'come in' so I do, as I walk in I see him sitting at his computer.  "Hey, do you have a comfortable shirt I could borrow until I can get my shirts washed?" I ask with a little bit of hope. "Yea, just go over to my closet and pick something." He said still focused on his computer.  I walk over to his closet and pick out a button up skull shirt. (Iykyk) "thanks Johnnie" I give a warm smile as I walk out just as I walk out I hear a faint "your welcome" through the doorway. I go back to my room and change into my- well Johnnie's shirt. To be honest it went down to my mid thigh covering the front of my shorts but didn't look too bad. It was comfortable as fuck too, he has good taste and can still make it comfortable. I did leave 2 buttons undone though. I took a look at the outfit I put together and nodded in approval. I walk out of my room wanting food and as soon as I get into the living room I almost instantly regret it. I walk Into Tara, Jake, and Scuff doing something unexplainable. It was more of Jake and Scuff, Tara was just kinda standing there looking at the two wondering what they were doing. She also looked tired too, when she looked up from the two she seen me, it looked like her mood had instantly changed. So I walked my booty over to her giving her a hug and asking "what are they doing?" "I have no clue, I gave up asking 10 minutes ago" she said looking back down and shrugging at the boys. I mentally face palmed at the two, after 30 seconds of us looking at the unexplainable stuff the boys were trying to do we walked into the kitchen and decided to be the nice people we are, decided on making everyone breakfast. Tara grabs the eggs and milk from the fridge and I grab the box of pancake mix on the counter, me being the short person I am I just ended up pushing the box into the cabinet even more. I tried getting Jake and Scuff to help me since Tara was just a tad bit shorter than Mr she couldn't reach it either. Jake and Scuff didn't help so I went to Johnnie's room to ask him for help. "Hey Johnnie, I need help getting the pancake mix from the cabinet.  Jake and Scuff won't help" I said rubbing my forehead. "Yeah sure" he said getting up from his computer and following me to the kitchen. Johnnie being the pancake saver he is he got the mix and Tara and I started breakfast.

Time skip bc I'm lazy

After breakfast everyone had calmed down, Tara, Jake, Johnnie and I were on the couch watching a movie (pick any movie you would like) Scuff was in his room again doing who in the world knows what. I got up from the couch due to being thirsty, I walked into the kitchen wanting a delicious f/d but there were none. (Sad reader :( don't be sad it will be ok) I groaned and went back to the living room passing the TV and standing in front of it. "Ok wich one you you theifs took my favorite drink" I said pointing at Johnnie and Jake knowing Tara didn't like the drink I had. "It was jake!" "It was Johnnie!" Both of them said at the same time. I face palmed knowing there was no trying to get them to reveal who done it. "Ugh okay, I'm going to the store to get more. Anyone wanna come?" I asked all of them while putting my shoes on "I'll go" Tara said, "I need groceries for my house" she said getting up and going to put her shoes on as well. "Anyone else wanna come?" I asked double checking making sure I didn't miss anyone. No one replied so I said "Johnnie I'm using you're car, Jake don't burn fown the house!" Walking out the door with Tara shortly behind me. "Ok!" Johnnie yelled back. Tara and I got in Johnnie's car and backed out of the houses drive way.  Tara plugged her phone into the aux and played her Playlist and we started jamming out to her songs. A few songs later we turned down the volume and calmed down a bit. When suddenly Tara asked out of the blue "so you and Johnnie, hmmm? It seems like you really like him" in a teasing tone. And that's when I turned into a microwave, I'm sure I was blushing superrr hard. I hadn't really thought about it. I knew there was a small bit of something going on between us but I didn't know what yet. "You know I haven't really thought about it. We have been close these past few days and I'm not sure what's going on between us. We have known each other for a while and nothing like this has happened before."  I said taking a few glances at her then looking back to the road. "If you two were to get together, you would be super cute. I mean look n/n you're wearing his shirt right now" she said smiling and pointing to the shirt "this is because none of my clothes were clean, not the comfy ones at least. And he was Being kind letting me borrow it" I said pulling into the grocery stores parking lot. "Yeah right, he was being kind. But did you not see him staring at you while you were watching the movie. Well wasn't staring but taking glances?" She asked me grabbing her purse and opening the door to get out.  "No I didn't, I didn't know he was looking at me, I guess I was to focused on the movie to even realize." I said grabbing my purse and getting out of the car as well. Locking it as I did so. "He was! You two would be perfect for each other" Tara said walking with me going into the store. "No way Tara, he could do much better than me" I exclaimed (a/n- ur perfect, u deserve the world. )
"N/n you're amazing, why wouldn't he want to choose you?" She asked grabbing a shopping cart. "I- uh- I don't know" I said looking down a bit. "Let's get what we need and head out of here, Jake wants me for a video" she said sensing my mood go down a tad bit and changing the subject. We grabbed what we needed and checked out. We got back to Johnnie's car and put everything in the back seat. I drove us back to Tara's house so her food wouldn't go bad. I drove us back to the house and we walked inside with our hands full, her with 2 bags, 1 in each hand same with me, but they had a decent amount of stuff in them considering the boys don't go shopping very often and alot of the food went bad. We walked up the steps and I kicked the door to let the boys know we were back. Jake opened the door and seen that Tara and I had out hands full, Jake then called Johnnie over to help me with my bags while Jake helped Tara with the bags in her hands.after getting everything put up and in the fridge/cabinets it was around 7 pm. I walk over to the couch laying down on it and getting on YouTube. I watched a few videos when Johnnie came in. He walked into the kitchen grabbing a monster and coming back into the living room lifting my head and sitting down putting my head back into his lap. I could tell I was smiling uncontrollably I put my phone down seeing Johnnie picked something to watch on the TV. Soon after Scuff came in sitting on the other end of the couch watching the TV show as well. A few episodes in I got bored so I started to draw some shapes on Johnnie's knee. I done that for a few minutes before I fell asleep.

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