chapter 6: wrong move

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Alice pov :

As I walked to the parking area, I saw Taehyung's by his neatly parked fancy Mercedes. Earlier, I didn't really notice when he changed into a different suit, but now, I could clearly see that he was really good at wearing different colors and styles. I wondered how he made every outfit look so great. My own change from casual to business clothes didn't look as nice as his ability to wear anything and make it look amazing.

When he saw me coming and looked at me, he gave me a friendly smile and quickly opened the car door for me.

"Why did you decide to come with me, Mr. Kim?" I asked as I sat in the car. He put on his seatbelt and turned towards me.

"Well, I'm your assistant, so it makes sense for me to be with you all the time, right?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, knowing that Kim Taehyung wasn't someone you could easily argue with. He had a habit of using his brainpower for small and sometimes annoying things, instead of using it for more practical things. He could be quite frustrating.

After a short ten-minute drive, we reached the restaurant. It was owned by Taehyung's family, which showed his connection to it. Our table was on the restaurant's third floor, with a view of the ocean. I looked at Taehyung, who seemed a bit sad in his chair. Then, a man came over to us. He was wearing black jeans, a shirt, and a white jacket. His hair fell nicely on his forehead, and he was quite tall, probably taller than 6 feet.

"Are you the famous Kim Alice?" he asked. I stood up and shook his hand. "Yes, and you must be Daniel Wang."

He shook my hand and had a slightly strange smile.

"I'm really happy to meet you, Ms. Alice. I have to admit, you're even more beautiful than I thought."

His look had a bit of flirting in it. I pulled my hand back carefully and sat down gracefully. Meanwhile, Taehyung was staring at Daniel, his eyes sharp and intense. Finally, Daniel noticed Taehyung and offered his hand for a handshake.

"And you, sir…?" Daniel seemed a bit confused. Taehyung looked at the extended hand and seemed annoyed, but he still shook it. I could see that Taehyung was holding onto his hand really tightly.

"I'm Kim Taehyung, Ms. Alice's assistant, " he said in a cold way, looking at Daniel like a sharp knife. Daniel pulled his hand back quickly, looking a bit rough. Taehyung just went back to his seat, acting like the handshake didn't bother him at all.

"So, Mr. Wang, can you tell me why we're having this meeting? I have to admit, I didn't think it was very important."

Daniel sat across from me, and Taehyung sat next to me in his mysterious way.

Daniel smiled before answering. "How can you say it's not important? I've really wanted to meet the person who's been all over the news and media with her presence and achievements."

I couldn't help but make a little joke. "Well, I didn't know you had so much free time, Mr. Wang, just to meet me." It seemed random and strange that he called me by that name.

"You're right, Ms. Alice. Both of us are very busy, but believe me, there's nothing more important for me right now than meeting you. Everything else can wait."

Beside me, Taehyung shifted a bit, and I could feel heat coming from his side.

"Does that mean you never thought about saying no to our offer to work together, Mr. Wang?" I picked up the glass of orange juice I had ordered earlier and took a careful sip. I kept looking at him, a man who had appeared in many photoshoots over the past five years. He was definitely handsome in a young way, but there was something strange about him too. He didn't give off a friendly vibe, but then again, I was used to giving off vibes that made people keep their distance.

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