Chapter 18 : The Start of Endgame

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Alice pov :

I was inside my office; the meeting will start in ten minutes, but there is no chairman today to handle it all but me. So, I need to pull my shit together; this project with Italians will be my last step toward securing the CEO position. However, the problem is that I haven't met them, nor have I had an idea who will be there - the CEO or the chairman for the meeting.

The door of my office slammed open. I snapped my head towards the door, startled, but the shock turned into surprise when I saw one and only person who has the audacity to barge inside without a care for anything.

"What the hell? How did you get here?" I stood up from my sitting position. Taehyung grinned, utterly unfazed by my shock and tone. "You thought I would sleep after I got to know you were gone," he countered as he moved inside and stopped in front of me with a gleaming smile.

I arched a single brow. "So, Mr. Kim thought not to miss a day of work. That's new." He shrugged. "I can be anywhere you go, so ironically, I need to be present here."

"You say like you hate it here," I asked as he took a seat by the table. "I don't hate anywhere you are." There was something wrong with this man. "Are you high, Taehyung? You are being too bold after…" I stopped in mid-sentence, realizing what I was about to say. Taehyung rested his back as he tilted his head, observing me. "After what, frozen?" He arched a brow to me with a cocky expression. I scoffed. "Where is your tie?" He bit a smile. "Good way to change the topic."

He took the tie from his pocket, holding it out for me to take. This man never let me breathe in peace. I took the tie and moved to stand in between his wide-stretched legs.

"Stop staring; it's creepy," I mumbled, pulling the tie around his neck. He blinked. "Do you hate me, frozen?" My hands stopped, and I frowned, locking my eyes with his, and there was a glimpse of fear in them. Taehyung was an open book, easy to read. "Of course not. You are a pain in the ass, but you haven't reached the intensity to put your name on my blacklist." His expression turned into a more relaxed one.

His hands suddenly fell on my waist, and he pulled me over him. My knees hit his thigh, I took a breath. "You are too far; I don't like it," he grumbled out. I slightly tightened the tie around his neck; he coughed, and I grinned. "Is it good?" I asked with a taunting smile. "God, frozen, are you sure I'm not on your hit list?" He uttered, staring at me with doubt.

"Of course, if you were, you would not be breathing by now," pulling away, I crossed my arms. "Do you know what happened to those three men from the club?" As the words left my mouth, his face darkened. "Of course, I know." His tone went low, and I sighed. "Did the police interrogate you?" I asked. He shook his head in denial Of course, they didn't. They are fools to even point finger at the youngest son of the Kims. "And does your father know? " He shrugged indifferently. "No idea. He hasn't called me yet." I nodded; that's good.

I don't want to fail in this; his father will point at me, knowing I'm the one who is his mentor. "I wish they rot in hell," he gritted out, catching my attention. "You are being absurd, you know." I jabbed my finger at him; he gave me an arched brow.

"Well, tell me what would you have done if they did the same thing to your loved ones." He stood up, making me take a step back until my back connected against the table, planting both of his hands to my side, trapping me. "Tell me what would you have done." It was on the tip of my tongue that I had already shot a person who tried to harm him, but I can't say that. "Too much concerned about my opinion, why Mr. Kim?" He tilted his head adorably, with those brown eyes piercing my soul. "It matters. You have to bear with me doing these things all the time if someone's intentions towards you aren't good." My mouth quirked up. "Why would you do that?" Oh hell, I know the answer very well, still, I can't pinpoint what I'm thinking.

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