chapter 11: the devil twins

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Alice pov:

My watch said it was 4:10 in the early morning. The employees stood outside as the buses pulled up—two buses and thirty employees. The valley lay to the north, and the journey ahead would take us ten long hours.

I turned to my assistant, Lora, and asked, "Are all the employees here?" She replied, "Let me check, ma'am." I nodded, noticing that everyone was bundled up warmly, anticipating the colder valley weather. I was dressed in black pants, a checkered top, and a black denim jacket, with my hair in a messy bun.

My sister's voice caught my attention. "Alice, where's your bag?" I saw Amara in oversized clothes, looking like they were twice her size.

"I already put it on the bus," I reassured her. Just then, a car arrived, and three people stepped out: Kim Soek Jin, the head of Kim Airlines; Kim Jisoo, the owner of Kim Malls; and Kim Jennie, the famous South Korean model also the owner Kim clothing brands KJ 

My eyes shifted back to Amara, who wore a mischievous grin. I recognized that look all too well.

"They're joining us, aren't they?" I raised an eyebrow. Amara eagerly nodded. Of course, Amara couldn't have fun without her closest friends.

"Amara!" It was Jennie who practically threw herself at my sister, as if she were the last person on Earth, saved from some catastrophe. Then, the other two greeted her in a more typical manner.

Sometimes, I can't believe it. It reminds me of my place in Amara's life. I know she loves me, but now that she knows the truth about our relationship—how I'm not even her biological sister—it makes me wonder if things have changed.

I let out a sigh, and then, slowly but surely, Jennie turned her gaze toward me. Even from a few feet away, I could see a glint in her eyes as she rushed over and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly, as if it were the last day on Earth. I was taken aback. What on Earth was going on?

"Ali, it's been so long! How have you been?" Jennie exclaimed in my ear. I couldn't help but cringe. Seriously, when did I become Ali?

"Jennie, you're going to squeeze the life out of her," Jisoo interrupted, coming up to us and looking at Jennie's tight hug around my neck. I took a deep breath, trying to regain my composure.

Jennie winced at my discomfort. "Oh, Jisoo, it's been almost six months since we last saw each other. We really missed each other." I couldn't believe my ears. Missed each other? We didn't even talk that much during my stay at my sister's house. The others kept their distance too.

Jisoo shot me a quick, questioning glance, so I decided not to make a big deal out of it. I extended my hand, and she shook it. Her hands were incredibly soft and warm, almost making me melt.

"It's lovely to see you again, Alice," I managed a smile. Then it was Jin's turn, and we exchanged handshakes.

I was sure these people were the most down-to-earth individuals. It was probably just my personality that made people avoid looking my way. But over those six months, they had tried to make me feel at home, considering what had happened to my family.

"Where's Mr. Kim?" When I asked that, all four of them turned to look at me. I felt a shiver run down my spine. The expressions on the Kim siblings' faces made me want to step back. What did I say wrong? I had simply asked about their little brother.

"You call him Mr. Kim?" Jennie's voice held a hint of shock. I nodded, once and then she burst into laughter, almost losing her balance. I was genuinely concerned that she might run out of breath, the way she was laughing so uncontrollably. If someone had walked by at that moment, they might have thought she was going crazy.

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