Ch.1 The memories

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1 year before the maze

(Y/n's pov)

Y/n"Hey Newt what are you having for lunch today," I asked knowing that it was most likely going to be his usual which is a fruit salad with some greens just to munch on.
" The usual cuz you know I want to stay healthy. What are you eating." Why would he ask me that after I told him when we were working earlier?
"Newt, I told you I'm not eating anything today. Imma eat when it's dinner time."
"Is that what you told me not to ask you today. Oh yeah I remember now princess.".
I blushes slightly.
Oh my goodness I love it when he called me that. He knows I have liked him for as long as I can remember. I just wonder if he has ever liked me. I'll ask him when I have time.
"What are you thinking about princess" he stands up to go back to work with me. I blush a little.
" It's not important," I say in a quiet voice.
Newt walks over to me and whispers "I know your little Secret Princess" i look up at him a little confused.
" What Secret would that be," I say in a stunned voice.
He winks at me and says " I think you know, But come on we got to get back to work." He starts to walk back to work with some kids W.C.K.D. has brought in. I follow him.
" Newt,..." I say muttering. He hears me and turns around. He walks closer to me and grabs one of my hands and holds it with both of his. " yes princess" he says whispering.
" Have you ever... You know... Liked me?" He looks shocked and says " Can I talk to you after work about this?" " yeah, that would be best," I say in a whisper.
"Ok we need to get with the kids we are working with today and fast," he said in a quick voice. We practically ran back to work. We got there just in time and the kids were sitting in silence. I took half of the kids newt took the other half and halfway through work we switched kids at the end of the day we let them get to know each other to make some friends. After work is done I forgot about the question I asked Newt and I was about to walk out of the door when I hear Footsteps behind me, and with that, I hear Newt saying my name behind me."Y/n...y/n wait for me" he caught up with me.

Newt starts to walk me home and he stops and grabs both of my hands and holds them and says
" Y/n do you remember the question you asked me on the way to work?"
I look down blushing and nod my head.
Newt says  " Princess,.....look at me. You want me to answer this question truthfully right.?" Oh no, this is the part where he says no and I get extremely upset that he said no and our friendship is going to end oh my gosh what have I done? Newt then said
" Ok imma be honest with you I have liked you... for a long time now" I felt my face get hot
" have?" "Yes I have so it's my turn to ask you have you liked me." He winks at me and smiles.
I blush even more and say  " you already know that answer.."
Then he pulls me into a warm hug and I hug him back when we backed off he walked me the rest of the way home. That was the best kind of hug right now cuz it's the middle of winter.

When I went into my house that was owned by W.C.K.D. I ran to my room and did a little happy dance I was so happy that Newt liked me back oh my gosh. this is amazing.
After I calm myself down I get in the shower for work tomorrow. I eat dinner, brush my teeth and then go to bed.
I can't sleep I was up all night thinking about Newt and how he told me he liked me. Eventually, I fell asleep.

The next morning I wake up, eat, get dressed, brush my teeth, and then there is a knock on my door. I open it and Newt is there and looks happy to see me and that I'm ready for work. He says "Good morning beautiful, how did you sleep?" I hid my face from him and said
" I didn't sleep last night"
"why not"
"I was just thinking all night about something important."
"May I ask what it is I might help you with it"
I say "No I'm good for now."
"If you say so. but I think we should head to work now"
I tell him "Just go without me I'll talk to you later ok?"
"Ok but, are you sure?"
I say "Yeah see you soon" and I shut my door.

When I get to work an hour later I walk by an empty tech room and Newt was in there waiting for me to walk by when I did he pulled me into the room with him hugging me tight repeating "I'm sorry y/n I want you to know why I did it" he starts to tear up
I asked "What happened" Then he looks down into my eyes still in an embrace and he kisses me I turn red and hot but I'm still asking "What happened Newt" "Y/n I'm sorry y/n I love you so much remember."
"I love you too but what happened Newt."
"I'm going into the maze. I did something that made W.C.K.D. mad." He gives me an orange green red and burgundy bracelet with a beautiful pattern on it. I put it on as fast as possible.

Guards open the door and say "Found the victim time for the maze." I then get dragged along with him.
And everything goes dark.

I wake up at home. I look to the side and see two guards by my bed I'm guessing I wasn't supposed to wake up yet but then I remember the last thing that happened and I yell  "WHERE IS NEWT? WHERE DID YOU TAKE HIM?." One guard said "She's awake" through the walkie-talkie.
The other guard says you "know where they took him and it's your turn now. You were in a coma for about a year and now it's time"
Ava page walks in and says "Take Y/n to Newt. Put her in there with him"
"Copy that," says one of the guards and that guard says "Time to go"
Everything goes black once again.

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