(Platonic) Jigsaw x Reader

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  Being woken up by the shrill screams of a woman was not how I would ever imagine waking up. The room I was in was white, treading on a thin line to becoming greyish with mold. Several other individuals were beside me, we were all lined up against the wall.

  All our hands were chained together, a long chain connecting from our hands to holes in the wall before us, still blades there as well.

"What the hell is this?!" The man beside me shouted, causing everyone to flinch and those who were still asleep awoke with a start.

  The woman who I heard screaming was on my other side and she was now sobbing. Everyone confused and scared. A voice echoed throughout the room, belonging to none of us but a speaker hidden within the walls. It was a distorted voice telling us the so called game we were about to play.

     The chains started reeling into the walls slowly, the saws on the wall next to them starting up, ready to slice something. Pandemonium ensued us and we were all starting to get pulled by the chains connected to us... well, everyone expect for me. For some odd reason I had more slack to my chain and if you looked closely you'd be able to see it was also pulling away a little slower than the others.

    Someone noticed that my chain was longer than the others, instead of trying to figure out how to get out of this hell hole he resorted to yelling at me.

"I bet you're the one who set this all up, huh?" He yelled, "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"I didn't do this!" I defended myself.

"Yeah right!" He snapped.

Someone started getting sliced up by the saw and I turned away from the gruesome sight. Something opening and unlocking in front of the bloody body. Everyone was getting really close to the saws while my chain finally started to actually pull me.

  One of the woman figured out that to escape whatever this thing was, we would have to touch the chain some way. One person didn't do anything in time and the others gingery held an arm to the saw and just cut themselves a little, allowing the chain to unlock and a door to open.

  I walked to the chain to do the same action the others did, but before I could do anything the chain unlocked on its own accord and the door opened as well. It didn't make any sense and I didn't move for a good few minutes before I heard someone call me over.

My sleeves were pulled down so I could attempt to hide the fact that I wasn't hurt and let out without a scratch unlike the others, the smell of blood wavering out of the room we were in.

  It appeared to us that we weren't free from whatever we were trapped in. There was another game we had to play, one more difficult than the first. I didn't think I would get so lucky the second round of horror as I did the first.

"You're not bleeding..."

"What?" I snapped out of my thoughts.

  I was roughly grabbed by the arm, my sleeves yanked down to reveal my untouched skin.

"Just as I thought," he sneered, shoving me to the ground, "Of course you are part of this whole shitshow!"

  He grabbed the collar of my shirt, slamming me against a wall. Nothing I could say or do would stop him, not even anyone in the group wanted to interfere. I thought I was a goner as he started choking me, but suddenly we heard a hissing noise and a type of smoke or gas flood the room.

  The smoke had a sickly sweet smell to it, making us all feel odd. His grip on my neck loosened until he dropped me and stagger backwards. Everyone was confused and one by one they started dropping like flies. All of them passing out from the gas. I fell prey to it as well and feel asleep with the others.

   When I awoke I expected to find myself next to all the people I was with before. But instead found myself duck taped to an office chair... or wheely chair. Duct tape was covering my mouth as well. I let my eyes adjust to the dim lit room. Several monitors were before me, most of them were security camera footage of what I could only guess was the horror escape rooms we had been in.

  Before I could try to take a closer look, my chair was spun quickly. Someone grabbed my arms that were taped to the armchairs, stopping me from spinning. I was now faced with a much older man in front of me, staring me down.

"You even resemble them..." he muttered.

  I couldn't speak, if I could I would've asked what the hell was going on or tell him how monstrous he was. But instead I could only glare. He laughed before spinning the chair once again to face the monitors. I tried speaking but the duct tape muffled my voice.

"Ah, yes," he ripped the tape off my mouth, "I forgot that you're rather talkative... much like they were."

  He kept eyeing a small, framed portrait he had on his desk of a small family. He was in the picture with his lover and a child that resembled me.

"What the hell is going on?!" Was my first question.

"You've been spared," he spoke, eyeing the screens, "You should thank me."

"Thank you?!" I gawked, "Who the hell are you and what's going on?!"

"My name is of no concern to you as of this moment," his eyes never wavered from the monitors, "All you need to know is that you're safe now."

"Should that make me feel better?" I snapped.

"No, but I have answered your questions."

"Hell no—"

He quickly turned his body to me, a roll of duct tape held in front of my face to threaten me. The monitors casting a glowing outline on him. Interrupting me from speaking any further.

"If you do not stay quiet I'll shut you up again," he warned.

I quickly nodded and he backed off to his monitors, messing with the keyboard while I stayed quiet and watched.

Escaping this would be much harder than I thought.

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