Cruella De Vil (genderbent) x Reader (part 1)

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"Don't waste my time!"

A familiar voice yelled at one of my fellow colleagues. Cruellan De Vil was in one of his moods once again, everything pissing him off. No one was safe. I wasn't one of the designers for her clothing lines, I did the jewelry. It was a small task compared to the actual dresses done but it was my task nonetheless.

It became deadly silent, I felt someone breathing down my neck as I drew some designs for my the next collection. It was to be patterns, Cruellan had formed a rather odd obsession towards animal prints and so I had to be quick with my jewelry making.

  The drawing I was working on was of a necklace made to look like tree branches going outwards. The plan was always that one of the other designers would bring my designs to Cruellan. He would overlook my designs and then send them back, having someone tell me which ones he liked and for me to get started immediately.

  Even though I could practically feel the tense aura in the room I didn't dare turn my back and continued on with sketching.

"That is quite divine, my dear," The man commented on my work, "I didn't realize we had such a talented individual who not only possessed the talents to create my designs but also the looks to wear them as well."

  I set my pencil gently down on the white desk and turned my attention to the black and white haired man. He loomed over me with a soft smile, a smirk tugging at his lips as he peered over my shoulder to gaze at my creations.

"Hello, sir," I greeted.

"Be in my office by seven o'clock sharp," he spoke close to my ear before leaving.

  Cruellan strutted away to the elevator where he would soon be back up in his lavish white and black office. He didn't give me any other information that I usually would like to have. Did I need to bring up today's designs? My portfolio perhaps? I would feel stressed for the rest of the day until it would be time to head up to his office.

  I worked tirelessly, my coworkers scared for me. I didn't speak a word to any of them, diving into my work, they assumed the worst. Praying that I wouldn't be getting fired or demoted.

  Instead of walking over to the elevator to go to Cruellan's office, he had sent his assistant to coke retrieve me. I followed the assistant into the elevator, clutching my portfolio to my chest that held today's designs and every design I had created starting this month.

  The elevator ride was awkward to me but not to the assistant, he made small talk with me to put me at ease. As soon as we reached his floor I walked out and the assistant lead me to his office that was much bigger and nicer than I could have imagined.

"Lovely, isn't it," Cruellan spoke from his chair, swirling around it to face me like some sort of cheesy villain. But he made it look good.

"Indeed it is, sir," I let my eyes wander the room, "Quite monochromatic, so no matter what you were it fits the room."

He smirked at my compliment and stood up, one of those fancy, long cigarettes held between two fingers. He walked over to me casting a single glance at my portfolio before returning his piercing gaze to me.

"What's this?"

"My portfolio."

"Ah." He circled me, eyeing me up and down as if envisioning his next outfit on me.

"I wasn't sure what you needed me for so I wanted to be prepared," I kept my eyes on his desk.

Now that I was in his office he could observe me without his designers casting weird glances. It was rare that he would ever let one of the designers where the fashion, much less someone who wasn't even in charge of the designs but the accessories and statement pieces to go with it!

Cruellan walked back in front of me, snapping his fingers to get his assistant's attention who hurried to his side.

"Measuring tape."

"Yes, sir."

Measuring tape? I had one on me so I handed it to him after taking it out of my pocket. It might sound stereotypical, but all the designers had measuring tape with them. Some even had backups.

"May I measure you, darling?" Cruellan unrolled the tape as he matched my gaze.

"Uh... yes, I guess so," I answered.

Cruellan snapped his fingers and the assistant gingerly took my portfolio and placed it on the desk after asking me for permission to put it down. I took off my jacket and placed it to the side. It was not like I had never been measured in my life before. Back in Highschool I used to do the theater and they would need to measure everyone in the cast.

With ease Cruellan and I worked together to get my measurements quickly, I obeyed His commands of when I needed to lift an arm, turn my head or twist around.

Once he got to my wrist he wrapped the measuring tape a little too tight and so, naturally, I pulled away. He wasn't too fond with that and pulled my hand back.

"Almost done, my dear," he focused on my body.

He was soon done and I stood there for a few minutes while he jotted some quick notes down and handed my measuring tape to me. I tucked it away in my pocket before returning my gaze to the workaholic.

"If I may ask," I spoke up, "What are the measurements for?"

He looked up from his work with a raised brow as if I should know why he measured me.

"I expected that I was going to measure you, not the other way around," I nervously chuckled, the tension in the room getting to me.

"If you'd like to measure me you can, darling," He stood up straight, "As for the measuring I did... you will soon see."

I didn't want to push my luck prying and so I dropped it.

"I already have your measurements, Mr. De Vil."

  He sighed, "Please, call me Cruellan."

  I nodded but knew I wouldn't refer to him by his first name ever. That would be extremely unprofessional here. He dismissed me.

"I hope you know you're way down, I'll need my assistant to help me with some things right now."

"Okay," I retrieved my portfolio and made my way down the elevator back to my work space.

  If I had eavesdropped I would have been able to hear the concerning conversation between the two...

"Get Jasper and Horace to find out where they live," Cruellan ordered his assistant, "I want to find out more about them."

"Yes, sir," he left to do as he was told.

"My dear, dear designer," Cruellan spoke to himself as he walked over the glass panels, "How you have made me smitten."

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