Negan x (Injured) Reader

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  "Fucking hell!" I groaned in pain.

  Somehow, my leg had gotten caught in a rusty, old bear trap that still had some spring in it. It had latched onto my leg with its medal teeth and drew blood. I couldn't get it out of the ground and I couldn't get the trap off my legs.

  I did not belong to a group, unfortunately I was alone. No one would be able to help me, and if someone found me they would probably loot and kill. So all I could do was sit and wait, I had already stopped the bleeding. The blood clotted and the rags I tied tightly around my leg helped with the lack of blood loss. I was dizzy but not close to passing out.

  A crumbling of leaves under feet caught my attention. I grabbed my knife, eyes darting everywhere. A man approached me. A blonde bearded man with a gun in his hand. Oh shit. He was definitely not friendly looking. I had to wonder if he was in a group or some solo act.

"Hey, kiddo," he cooed, "got yer self in quite the dilemma wouldn't you say?

  He walked closer, my knife still unsheathed. I couldn't move any farther with the trap chained to the ground.

"Cat got yer tongue?" He laughed.

  This was far from a laughing matter. I was chained to the ground while this man thought small talk would be the best way to go about it.

"Help me."

  He circled me, eyeing me up and down. Enjoying my helplessness. He stood before me, looming over.

"I don't think I will," he smirked, "I rather like you like this."

  A gun was put to my head as soon as I tried to attack him.

"Stay down," he grinned, "don't want to put a bullet through that pretty head of yers."


  The blonde man turned his head to a new, gruff voice. My eyes landed on an older gentleman with a leather jacket, jeans, and a... baseball bat? A group of men were behind him. The assumed leader displaying a coy smile as he causally approached us.

"Now what in the world do we have going on here?" He glanced between the two of us, "angry at them so you throw them in a trap?"

  This man was behaving unusually happy in this situation. The blonde man had lowered the gun from my head, looking a little scared at the newcomers before him.

"And who might you be, Bambi?" He crouched down to my level.


"And is this man hurting you, Y/N?" He tilted his head, the smile never leaving his face.

  I simply nodded. I was so dead. No way I would be able to get myself out of this situation! We were practically surrounded.

"No need to be scared," he laughed at me, "if anyone is in the wrong it's this sufer looking asshole."

The blonde man looked offended along with his scared look. He was probably shitting his pants right now in fear at being surrounded by these guys.

"I'm Negan, sweetheart."

"Nice to meet you..."

"Aren't you the most cutest fuckin' thing," Negan stood up and simmered on over to the surfer punk, he pointed the bat at him, he flinched, "do you know this man?"

"No," I answered.

"Well, isn't that something," he chuckled to himself, "You think you're all that."

"No, I was just messing around!" He dropped his gun.

"It's all fun and games until your hand gets stuck in the cookie jar," he tsked, "Now what's the punishment for something like that?"

He swung the bat near the blondie to spook him, he jerked backwards and almost fell on to the ground. I didn't know whether to be amused or scared.

"C'mon, man!" He begged, "I didn't realize they were part of yer group!"

"Part of my group, eh?" He turned his head to me with that devilish smirk, "how'd you like that, sweetheart?"

So that I didn't land on the death wish I nodded.

"Well, this changes things a bit," Negan stalked the man, "you trying to toy with someone from my team? My group?"

"No! No, I-"

"And I could only assume what you were gonna do to them once you had your way," A deadly look came over him, "I think that calls for a mighty fine punishment, don't you think?"

Before he could beg for mercy his head was bashed open. I gasped loudly in surprise, who wouldn't? Negan had started bashing the guys brains in with his bat, the sight was absolutely gruesome. I had to look away.

There was a moment of silence before I felt someone move the trap that still had my leg in its teeth. My natural reaction was to flinch which caused the trap to shake and my leg to feel more pain.

"Hey hey, calm down, sweetheart," Negan fixated his eyes on the trap, "Everything's gonna be just fine."

Upon further inspection he decided that me being brought to his camp would be the best plan. Without hearing what I had to say about the matter, he got one of his men to break the chain. The trap would be taken off by one of their docters so I'd get proper help. He got one of his men to carry me, which I protested to but was ignored, and we were soon off to his camp.

  The doctor was able to get the trap off with some help from another guy and soon I was patched up. He said I was a real trooper and gave me a lollipop which I gratefully took. It made me feel like a kid again, having a normal check up.

"What's cookin' good lookin'?" Negan entered the room.

"I'm feeling much better and think I'll be good to go on my way after a bit," I responded, "Thank you."

"Now who said anything about leaving, sugar?" He smirked.

"I never planned on staying here," I said.

  He just laughed, "Once you came in, you're never going out, sweetheart."


"Welcome to your new home."

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