Jonathan Crane x (depressed) Reader

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"Watch it, asshole!"

I had tried to quickly cross the street but a cab almost ran into me head on. I flipped him off as I walked past him, earning an earful of honks and colorful curses. My morning had started out later than I would've liked and I feared I would be late for work.

  The walk wasn't far and before I knew It I had reached the building. Someone opened the door for me and I thanked him as I walked in with haste.

"Looks like someone's in a hurry," a voice cooed.

  Jonathan stood far behind me as he entered as well.

"Hello, Mr. Crane."

"Please call me Jonathan," he walked beside me, "We've known eachother for more than a year."

"Yes, sorry I keep forgetting," I frowned, keeping my pace quick.

"No worries, dear," he smiled softly, "is something wrong?"

"No," I kept my eyes ahead of me, "...why?"

"You look more down than usual," he commented, leaning closer to my face.

"I had an off morning, nothing more," I waved him off.

"Sure," he said, "I'll swing by with coffee later."

"You don't have to-"

Before I could protest he had already walked away. I hated when he did that. I'll buy my own coffee thank you very much! He went off to goodness knows where as I continued walking to my office. I knew that Jonathan was quite the charmer in my miany months of knowing him so I assumed his kindness towards me was a ploy to get something from me.

  Upon entering my office I noticed something very peculiar on my desk. I set my stuff down before inspectioning the foreign object further. It was a gas mask of sorts. What the hell was this in here for? I picked it up, examining it before I heard a light knock on my door.

  Before I could throw the gas mask away to hide it, Jonathan walked in with the coffee I didn't want and one for himself. He eyed the mask before placing the coffee on my desk and standing before me. Maybe he knew who put this in here.

"Why ever would you possess such a thing?" Jonathan teased, "do you plan on gassing the building?"

"Ha ha, very funny," I dryly spoke as I looked at the mask once more before setting it by the coffee on the desk, "if anyone were to gas a building you would be top of the suspect list, mister Jonathan Crane."

He raised a brow. I couldn't tell if I annoyed him or if he found me amusing, his gaze bore into mine and I felt awkward.

"And why would that be?"

I shrugged before walking back to the desk, feeling dread now that I had to start working for this away business.

"Actually," I ignored his question, my eyes on my paperwork, "if you don't mind, I'd rather you do it."


I matched his gaze. This work was probably one of the main reasons I felt so depressed. Confided to a small office where I would repeat the same old routine, disgusting coffee to weakly caffeinate me.

"I wouldn't mind if you did destroy this place," I hummed.

"Is that so?" He smirked playfully, "then it shall be done."

"Heh," I let out a breathy chuckle, "good thing that there are people like you who make this environment easier to be in."

"May I hug you?"


The question took me out of my train of thought and I looked up at the pretty man with a surprised expression. Did I hear him right? Did I forget to put my mask on? My smile? It had fallen I had presumed. I hated being vulnerable, it was a horrible feeling.

"May I hug you?" He repeated, speaking softer.

I nodded. He firmly embraced me and I wrapped my arms around him as well. It felt quite comforting. I didn't ever want to let go. But the moment ended quickly when Jonathan let go and took a step back rather quickly. Somehow he had heard someone approaching.

Bethany, a woman whose office was next to mine, burst into the room with a frantic look. Crane was unfazed and irritated but I was curious yet scared myself.

"There's a- they're men shooting up the firm!" She was out of breath.

Crane's eyes almost lit up, as if realizing something. I cast a suspicious glance towards Jonathan. No way he had something to do with this... right? Bethany quickly left the room and ran with all the other scared shitless people.


He took me by the shoulders and leaned down to me, his demeanor now cold and serious.

"I need you to stay here," he wasn't asking, more like ordering me to, "lick yourself up in here and hide yourself."

He grabbed the gas mask, taking my hands and putting the mask on them.

"Keep this on you at all times," he said, "You'll know when to use it."

My face paled. So he did have something to do with this. With the mask at hand I took a step back, his hands returning to his side as he watched my reaction.

"Jonathan..." My heart rate was increasing, "did you... did you do this?"

Instead of answering he left the room. I locked it behind him, turned off the lights and hid underneath my desk, the gas mask held in trembling hands. I was finally able to hear the gunshots as they neared the hallway I was located in. Screams and more shots. With every shot I felt my body flinch, my heart racing and breathing unsteady.

Suddenly everything was silent. I waited for about thirty minutes before going against any better judgement and walking out from under the desk. I saw a weird smoke or fog everywhere. Looking down at my gas mask I sighed in realization.

I put the mask on, making sure it was secure before I left my office. I walked slowly through the smoke, going towards the exit. But before I could even make it halfway there, I felt someone roughly turn me around. I was now face to face with someone I had never seen before.

"That's the one," the man grabbed my arm and started pulling me to the other end of the hall.

He was with another guy who was following close behind us. I clawed at his arm, kicking him in the nuts and stunning him so I could run. I ran as quickly as I could until I hid in another office, hiding under the corner of the desk.

I heard the soft sounds of steps making their way towards me. Someone was suddenly down before me, crouching down to look at me from my level. I backed further into the corner, away from the new person. He had on an odd, potato sack looking mask that was scary in itself. He held his hand out to me but I didn't take it.

"It's time we leave."

The muffled voice of the man wasn't hard to distinguish. Jonathan Crane. My eyes widened and he watched as I froze.

"It's okay," he tried to coax me out.

I shook my head. He reached for me and grabbed my arm, pulling me into a tight embrace. I trembled in his hold, this wasn't the Jonathan I remembered.

"I finally have you."

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