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(A/N bro, I'm not even going to bother with that stupid font anymore, it keeps messing everything up)

"Babe, wait I said I was sorry! I didn't know!" I said as Yunho and I walked into the makeup/changing room.

"Wait, what happened?" Wooyoung asked looking at us.

"He's mad at me because I thought the dancing video of you and him was you and Mingi, but how was I supposed to know?!" I said looking at Yunho, "it was dark and in my defense that outfit was very much a Mingi outfit, that song was very much a Mingi song and those dance moves were very much Mingi's dance moves! So again, I'm sorry, but it's not my fault!"

Yunho just rolled his eyes as he sat down beside Seonghwa on the small couch in the room and got on his phone.

"I don't understand why you are so upset, it's not like I said that he was hot or anything-"

"You didn't need to, your eyes gave it away," he said looking at his phone.

"I wasn't even looking at him- you! God I'm confused!"

"So then who were you looking at with those lustful eyes?"

"Excuse me? Lustful what?! You're crazy! And I was looking at Wooyoung-"

"Ah ha! So you admit it!"

"Admit what? That I was watching Wooyoung dance? Yeah, I watch him all the time, I watch all of you dance!"

San walked in with his phone recording for a log and raised his eyebrows at us, "woah, trouble in Yuna paradise?" He asked pointing the camera at me and I shook my head.

"No, Yunho is just being a baby because I thought he was Mingi in his and Wooyoung's dance video. "

"Oh that's messed up Inna, but hey, think of it this way, at least you didn't think he was Hongjoong....I'll edit this out."

I nodded smiling at him, "Yunho is way too tall to be Hongjoong, " I said looking at Yunho and he agreed smiling.

"Guys, I'm literally right here," Hongjoong said sitting in a makeup chair and we chuckled smiling widely at him.

"Now..can I please get a hug?" I asked looking at Yunho who nodded before opening his arms and I smiled widely before sitting in his lap and he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek softly.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you, " He whispered to me and I nodded.

"I'm sorry for thinking that you were Mingi, " I whispered and kissed his cheek softly making him smile.

"Aww, Yuna made up," San said pointing his camera at us and we rolled our eyes at him.


"Oh, I have a question, " Hongjoong said after taking a bite of his food.

We were having lunch together after a few of their schedules, the others went back to rest.

"Ask away, captain, " I said smiling at him and he nodded.

"Do you ever think about us?"

"Honestly...I don't. I know that probably sounds mean and I don't mean for it to, but it's true. You were a wonderful boyfriend though and I really cherish you as a person, friend and leader."

He nodded smiling widely, "yeah. I honestly don't think about us either, but like you said, I really cherish you as a person, friend and caretaker and I really do love you. "

"I love you too, Joong. I'll never forget about what we had."

"Me either. But I am glad that we ended things. It's so much better this way. "

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