| Amicus Ad Aras |

176 6 4

Wooyoung's POV.

I sat up from my bed after tossing and turning so much and decided to give up on sleeping. I looked at the time which read '3:20am' I sighed getting out of bed and walked towards the living room and started putting on my shoes and coat. I grabbed my keys, "where you off to?" I heard Inna's voice which made me jump a bit.

"Oh, I didn't know anyone was awake. " I said looking at her in the dark, the moonlight shining in through the blinds. "Couldn't sleep, Mingi kept talking in his sleep and when he finally stopped, he started snoring loudly. " she chuckled.

"Do you...wanna go on a walk with me?" I asked shyly looking at her, "this late? Are you sure?" She asked with a raised brow and I nodded smiling. "Plus there's...somebody I kind of want to talk to you about, but I don't want the others around. " I admitted. "Oh, alright I'll put my shoes on. " she said looking at me then walked over before putting her shoes and coat on.

"Ready when you are." She said smiling at me and I nodded before we walked out the door. The start of the walk was quiet, I didn't know what to say or how to start, even though I've practiced it many times in my head, but now that it was actually happening, my mind was blank.

"Woo, are you alright?" She asked looking at me as we walked. I quickly cleared my throat and nodded looking at ahead of me. "What did you want to talk to me about?" She asked looking ahead of her. I sighed softly and looked at her.

Honestly she is extremely pretty, with her long copper strawberry blonde hair, beautiful hazel eyes and slightly chapped lips that looked incredibly soft. Her smooth lightly tanned skin. Her eyebrow piercing that made her look cool. Everything was amazing but...

"Youngie?" She asked taking me out of my thoughts. I looked at her and blinked a couple times before answering. "Huh?" I asked, "you were just staring at me, not saying anything. " she chuckled looking at me and put her hand in mine.

I chuckled nervously and looked at our hands together. This isn't how I imagined it to feel like. I looked back at her and pulled her closer to me by her waist, I needed to know if it was the same.

She put her hands on my chest while looking up at me, "Woo-" "I just need to know. " I whispered interrupting her and she gulped nervously. Her face turned red as I slowly leaned in, placing my hand on the side of her face. With our lips only inches apart, I sighed. This isn't it at all. "Wooyoung, please don-" "I think I'm in love with San. " I whispered, my breath hitting her lips.

I pulled away and she sighed of relief. "Oh thank God! Man that scared me!" She said putting her hand on her chest. "Yeah I...I'm sorry." I said looking at her.

"I almost throat punched you!" She said hitting my arm and I chuckled smiling at her. "Ok, alright I'm sorry!" I said putting my hands up in defense. "But seriously, you love San?" She asked looking at me and I nodded.

"But you don't have to worry." I said looking at her and continued to walk, "Wait, why would I worry?" She asked walking with me. "Oh well, you're a Christian right? So don't worry, I won't bug you with my boy problems, I know that being gay isn't accepted in Christianity. " I said looking ahead.

"Woo, I want you to talk to me about them. And obviously not all Christians are the same, yes most of them are strict and their beliefs are dumb, like you can't be in a same sex relationship, but not all of them. Like me for an example, yes I'm a Christian, but I support the LGBT+ community, I believe that God loves people no matter what, and as long as you have him in your heart, you'll go to heaven. But don't worry, I'm also not going to force my religion upon you, which again most Christians do, but I feel like that's a terrible thing to do. " she said looking at her feet and I nodded smiling softly at her.

She looked at me with a half smile and put her hand in mine. "I'll always support you, no matter what. " she said before kissing my cheek. "Besides I'm a bisexual, who's dating a man who enjoys wearing women's clothes and paints his nails...I think it's a bit too late for judgment. " she chuckled.

"Very true." I laughed. "So, you and San?" She asked looking at me with a smirk and nudged my arm. "Heh, yeah. He's liked me for a long time, but I always turned him down saying that I was straight..I guess that I was just scared. " I admitted.

"Let me guess, you tried to kiss me to see if it felt the same as San?" She asked looking at me and I nodded slowly. "Don't worry, I get it, and I won't tell Joong. " she said looking at me. I nodded smiling widely and she gently squeezed my hand.

We walked for a bit longer talking about San and I, and decided to go home at around 5:45am. When we walked through the door it was still dark in the dorm, so we figured that everyone was asleep still. We walked into the living room and San was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone. "Morning Mountain. " Inna said smiling widely at him and he looked at us with a smile. "Were you two out all night?" He asked sitting up straight.

"Sort of, we couldn't sleep so we went for a walk." She said before faking a yawn then looked at me. "Well, I'm gonna get some sleep now, I'll leave you two alone. " she said wiggling her brows at me. I rolled my eyes while she left the room. Real smooth.

I sighed sitting on the couch beside San and he immediately got closer to me and looked at me with a toothy grin that showed his adorable dimples. "San, we need to talk." I said avoiding his gaze. He frowned a little but I put my hand in his intertwining our fingers. "San, I'm really sorry for always pushing you away, you were right, I was scared, but I'm not anymore...San, I love you. " I confessed without looking at him.

It was quiet..too quiet, was this a mistake? Was I too late, did he already move on? I didn't want to look up at him. I can't..I felt like throwing up. I couldn't move, everything seemed to stop, until...

"Wooyoung..I love you too, I always have and always will, you're my everything. I'm happy that you aren't scared anymore, and if you ever get scared again, I'll be right here beside you. " He said putting his hand on my cheek softly caressing is with his thumb.

I looked at him with teary eyes and smiled softly.

"Amicus." He said smiling at me.

"Ad aras." I finished smiling widely and he chuckled before kissing me softly.

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