| Morning After |

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This is the last time I let anyone have a sleep over. Last night was chaos.

~the night before~

Nobody's POV.

"If you don't stop screaming in my ear Woo, I will not hesitate to throat punch you." Seonghwa said looking at Wooyoung who was in his face screaming excitedly after San beat him at Mario kart.

"Sounds like a sore loser to me." Wooyoung said smirking while crossing his arms over his chest. "And you sound like a deadman." Seonghwa said glaring at him and Wooyoung rolled his eyes.

"Alright both of you stop, it's just a game. " Inna said looking at them. "Funny you say that, I literally remember you acting the same as Wooyoung, when you beat me." Hongjoong said looking at her and she giggled innocently. "It's not my fault that you suck." She said before putting a chip into her mouth.

Everyone watched as Hongjoong glared at her.

"This is so much better than being alone. " Jiwon said sitting down beside Yeosang on the floor.

"Alright, enough MarioKart, let's do something else that doesn't result in violence or harsh words. " Sumin said smiling and everyone nodded. "Oh! Let's watch a scary movie!" Wooyoung said smiling widely. "Can you even handle a scary movie?" Jongho asks looking at him.

"Yes! I'm a big boy!" Wooyoung protested. "You screamed when you saw a butterfly the other day." Yunho said smiling at him.

"Hey, it came out of nowhere. " Wooyoung said avoiding his gaze.

Everyone laughed making him smile a bit.

"I'm gonna get a drink, anyone want anything?" Inna asked standing up from the couch.

"I'll take a water." Hunter said smiling at her and she nodded smiling back. "Can I have coke?" Yechan asked looking at her and she nodded smiling before going to the kitchen.

Jiwon smiled standing up to follow her, Hongjoong's eyes following him.

Hongjoong knew there relationship and knew that he was married, but he couldn't help but feel a bit jealous. Inna is his first real relationship, sure he's dated here and there, but it was never serious. He genuinely loved and cared about her. What Hongjoong didn't know was that there were a pair of eyes watching him from afar. Across the coffee table from him was Seonghwa.

Seonghwa didn't exactly have feelings for him anymore, but he couldn't help but stare everytime he spoke, laughed or smiled. Seonghwa enjoyed seeing him happy. Seonghwa quickly looked away as Hongjoong locked eyes with him before smiling softly at him making Seonghwa blush a little.

Seonghwa played with the sleeves of his hoodie praying that Hongjoong didn't notice that he was staring at him the whole time. Seonghwa's breath hitches when he felt breath on his ear and looked up quickly to see Hongjoong beside him with a smile.

"Everything alright?" Hongjoong asked looking at him. Seonghwa nodded smiling softly. "Yeah, was just watching everyone interact with each other. " Seonghwa said looking at him before taking a sip of his drink.

Hongjoong nodded smiling before wrapping his arm around his waist. "You'd tell me if something was wrong, right?" Hongjoong asked looking at him and Seonghwa nodded putting his cup down. "Yeah, don't worry..You'd do the same right?" Seonghwa asks looking into Hongjoong's eyes.

Hongjoong smiled widely nodding. "Totally, you know that I tell you everything. "

Seonghwa nodded smiling as Hongjoong rubbed his back soothingly.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Jiwon was having his own little conversation with Inna.

"You know that guy has been staring at Hongjoong all night, right?" He asked once he entered the kitchen.

Inna raised an eyebrow at him as she opened the fridge door. "Who?"

"Seonghwa, I think that he's got a thing for him. " Jiwon said looking at her as he leaned against the counter crossing his arms over his chest. "Congratulations, you're officially the last one to know. " she said looking at him.

"Wait, you know that Seonghwa likes him, yet you're still dating him? You're evil." Jiwon said looking at her and she chuckled as she closed the fridge.

"I'm not evil. Seonghwa and I had already talked about it. I told him that I would step away and let him have him, but he wouldn't let me. Said that he is moving on and his feelings for him have faded away with time. He only sees him as a friend. But I know that isn't true, so I told him that if his feelings ever came back, to tell me immediately and I would back away. " Inna explained looking at him.

"Does Hongjoong know this?" Jiwon asks raising a brow and Inna shook her head no. "Don't you think that it's something that he should know? I mean if I was him, I would want to know. " Jiwon said looking at her.

"It's not exactly my place to tell." Inna said looking at him.

"I don't know, it' just all seems strange and kinda makes you look like the bad guy." Jiwon said looking at his feet.

"I mean think about it. Boy likes boy, but the other boy doesn't know. Then that boy likes this girl. Girl finds out that the first boy likes the second boy but the first boy told her that she can have him, yet that boy still likes him. Girl knows that the first boy still likes the second boy, but acts like she doesn't and continues to date the second boy because the first boy won't tell her that he still likes the second boy..." Jiwon explained looking at her and she looked at her feet.

"Well when you say it like that I feel horrible...damn I don't know what to do. " Inna said rubbing the back of her neck.

"I think you should talk to both of them. " Jiwon said looking at her and she nodded slowly before walking towards the living room.

To Be Continued...

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