| Let's Wait A While |

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I awoke to someone gently shaking me and opened my eyes to see Wooyoung and San looking down at me. "Ugh, what? It's my day off, let me sleep!" I groaned turning over but San stopped me. "InNa, wake up, we need your help." He said pulling me up and I groaned more sitting up straight.

"Oh my God, what?" I asked getting annoyed. "Am I intimidating?" San asked looking at me. "Wooyoung thinks that I'm not, but I think that I am. What do you think?" I clenched my jaw glaring at them and stood up from the bed. "Are you kidding me? You woke me up for this?" I pushed them out of my way and walked towards the living room with them following from behind.

"No, you're not intimidating or scary, none of you are." I said sitting on the couch between Yeosang and Jongho and laid my head on Yeosang's shoulder before closing my eyes. "Even on stage you aren't scary, not to me at least. " I said nonchalantly and heard them gasp and opened my eyes. "What?" I asked looking at them all.

"You don't think that we're scary on stage? " Seonghwa asks looking at me. "Scary good dancers and singers, maybe, but as far as the facial expressions go..not really." I replied. I looked towards San looking at me like he was on stage and I rolled my eyes. "Is that supposed to do something?" I asked looking at him and he stepped closer to me. I raised an eyebrow standing up from the couch and walked towards him until our faces were inches apart. "Look, I once took care of guy who never left his house, refused to eat, would punch walls and mirrors and scream in my face at the top of his lungs. There were times when I had to wrestle him to the floor and force him to eat, or to stop punching things and screaming in my face, and the guy was twice my size. So you looking at me like that is doing absolutely nothing. " I said looking into his now widened eyes as he stepped back.

"So if we're done here, I'm going to enjoy the rest of my day off." I said looking at them all and they nodded slowly and sat back down on the couch. I closed my eyes enjoying the silence and laid my head on Yeosang's shoulder again. "Plus, you guys are too adorable to be scary." I said opening one eye and smiled at them.

"You guys know that I love you, right?" I asked looking at them and they nodded smiling widely. "Out of everyone I've taken care of, you guys are my favorite, and I'm not just saying that as an atiny. I really mean it. " I said smiling at them. "And Mingi, when I said that you were my bias the other day, I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable, I know we share a room and I don't want you to think that you have to sleep with one eye open. " I chuckled looking at him. "When I said that you were my bias I wasn't saying 'oh my God, I'm in love with you' no I just meant that I relate to you a lot. " I continued and he nodded smiling at me.

"I know. I mean I was a little uncomfortable at first, but it went away. Although Wooyoung didn't help anything." He said glaring at him and Wooyoung just smiled innocently at him. I smiled more looking at them. "Sorry for being annoyed earlier, I was just tired." I said looking at San and Wooyoung. "No it's our fault, today is your day off, we shouldn't be bothering you. " Wooyoung said looking at me. "You could never bother me. Annoy me? Yes. But bother? Never. And even on my days off, I'll still be here for you guys, I'll do anything for you guys. " I watched as they stood up and Yeosang and Jongho wrapped their arms around me. "Awww, family hug!" Seonghwa said as they pulled me into their arms.

"We love you InNa!" They said squishing me into a hug. "I love you too, but if you squeeze me any harder, I might pee." I admitted and they immediately let go. "Now I'm gonna go take a shower. " I said looking at them and they nodded "I'm gonna order food, I already know what you want. " Hongjoong said looking at me and I nodded before walking towards the bathroom. After my shower I got dressed and went back to the living room where the boys were already eating and watching something on the TV.

I grabbed my food and hongjoong patted the spot next to him on the couch gesturing for me to sit. I smiled softly sitting beside him and began eating. The whole time I felt all the boys (besides Hongjoong's) eyes on me. I tried to avoid it keeping my eyes on the TV but I was feeling uncomfortable. I absolutely hate it when people watch me eat for reasons that I won't get into.

I sighed and looked at them in annoyance. "Got anywhere else to look?" I asked glaring at them and Hongjoong looked at me mid-bite. "Huh?" He asked mouth full of food. "The boys are staring at me. " I said looking at him. "To be honest, we're looking at both of you." Jongho said looking at me. "Why?" Hongjoong asked looking at them. "No reason..you both just look cute...together. " Seonghwa says smiling at us and I rolled my eyes as Hongjoong almost choked on his food.

"I'm sorry, what?" He asked in disbelief. "Oh my God, the guys think that you and I like each other, all because I took care of you and you held my hand a couple times and you didn't want to kill me when I woke you up. " I said looking at him. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he puts his food on the coffee table.

"Well, I don't not not like you." He said shyly looking at me and my eyes widened. "Wait, seriously?" I asked looking at him and he nodded smiling softly. "I knew it!" Wooyoung said standing up. At this point I was frozen looking down at my food. Hongjoong just admitted to liking me, what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to react? Yeah I guess that I like him too, but it's only been three days. What? Was it love at first sight for him? That impossible. I was knocked out of my thoughts by Hongjoong putting his hand on my shoulder.

"You don't have to like me back-" "I do like you. " I said interrupting him. "I just..think that this so sudden. " I said avoiding his gaze. I felt the couch dip as he scooted closer and I stood up quickly putting my foot on the coffee table. "And I'm uncomfortable. " I said before heading to the bathroom.

Hongjoong's POV.

I sighed glaring at the boys as I stood up from the couch. "My room later." I said before walking towards the bathroom. I lightly knocked on the door and got no response. "InNa, will you please open the door so we can talk?" I asked softly and after a few minutes the door opened. I walked in closing the door behind me as she sat on the closed toilet. "InNa, ignore them, who cares if we like each other or not, it doesn't mean we have to act on those feelings. And I agree with you, it is sudden, we barely know much about each other. And yeah, you took care of me but that's your job and I thank you for it. " I said bending down at her level as she looked at me.

"You're right, I'm sorry, I guess I'm just a bit embarrassed as well, I've never really anyone, let alone them like me back." She chuckled a little. "Can we just..wait a while?" She asked looking at me. "Of course, no need to rush anything, I'd actually like to wait as well, I'm very busy anyways, so I don't think I'd be a very good boyfriend right now, I wouldn't be able to make you happy. I'm gone all the time and when I'm home, I sleep or continue working. " I said smiling at her and she shook her head. "Hongjoong, you make me happy just by existing, you don't have to do anything. " she said blushing a bit making me smile more.

"Thank you, I'm glad that I make you happy already. " I said looking into her eyes and she nodded. "Come here." I said standing up straight and pulled her into my arms and she smiled hugging back. "Also, if you hear screaming in my room later, just ignore it." I said looking down at her and she nodded chuckling a little.

That night the boys were definitely grounded, especially Wooyoung and San.

(A/N I don't know how this went from "hanging out with ATEEZ" to "being in love" this honestly wasn't supposed to be a love story but I hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night!♡)

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