| Missing WooSan Hours |

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(A/N: I don't know if Wooyoung went with them to Japan, but I'm assuming he's still in Korea. If not, just pretend he is for the sake of the story)

"If you ring the damn bell one more time, I will shove it so far up your ass, that it'll come out of your mouth covered in shit, and you'll be tasting it for the next five years," I said glaring at Wooyoung on the couch and he just gave me a cheekily smile.

Wooyoung had hurt his ankle during their achor in Seoul show, so he wasn't able to join them in Japan and had stay for treatment, and unfortunately I had to stay too to take care of him. Don't get me wrong, I love Wooyoung and would do anything for him. But he was getting on my nerves. He'd ring the bell I gave when I was literally right beside him, and would purposely ring it when I entered the room.

"I'm sorry, I'm just bored and I want you to pay attention to me, " he said looking at me and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Also...can you massage my feet?"

"Fine, put them on my lap. "

I watched as he smiled widely as he placed his feet on my lap after I sat down on the couch. I removed his socks and gently started massaging them. Wooyoung's attention went back on the TV as he put his hands behind his head in a relaxing position.

I do have to agree with him though. It's been really boring around here without the other's and I was really missing Yunho. And I'm sure he was missing San.

"What do you want for dinner tonight?" I asked looking at him and he shrugged before thinking for a moment.

"How about chicken?" He asked looking at me and I nodded smiling.

"Sounds good to me, I'll order it in a bit, " I said and he nodded smiling at me.

We watched TV for a while as I massaged his feet until we started to get hungry. After I ordered the food, I sent Yunho a text asking if he could send me the pictures he took of us a while back.

 After I ordered the food, I sent Yunho a text asking if he could send me the pictures he took of us a while back

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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
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