| Yuna Is Out |

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Nobody's POV.

"I think that I fixed it. " Hongjoong said on his knees in front of Seonghwa as he looked up at him and bit his bottom lip as he fumbled with the button on Seonghwa's pants. At that exact moment Seonghwa's bedroom door opened and there stood Inna holding one of Seonghwa's sweaters. Her eyes locked with Hongjoong's before she looked at Seonghwa. Both boys frozen.

"Uh, sorry for interrupting, I just came to give you your sweater." Inna said looking at them before tossing the sweater onto Seonghwa's bed and quickly left the room. Why is it always me? Inna thought to herself as she went back to the living.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa looked at each other for a moment before they started laughing. "Do you think she thought we were..you know?" Hongjoong said raising an eyebrow as he stood up. Seonghwa nodded. "Oh yeah, she definitely did. " Seonghwa answered.

"Should we tell her that I was just fixing the button that broke?' Hongjoong asked crossing his arms. "I don't want my ex to be traumatized. " Hongjoong laughed. Seonghwa just smiled sweetly as he wrapped his arms around Hongjoong's waist.


"Alright is everyone ready? Everyone have their passports?" Inna asked looking at everyone and they nodded putting on their shoes and or jackets. With everyone ready to go to the airport, they went out the door and piled into the vans outside. In one van was Seonghwa, Mingi and Yeosang. The other had, San, Wooyoung and Jongho. The ride was quiet as everyone was tired and tried their best to sleep on the way.

Inna was left home alone with Yunho and Hongjoong who were staying back because unlike the others, they didn't have anything to do in Thailand just yet, and had to stay behind to do their Radio show.

The three awkwardly looked at each other after the six boys went out the door.

"So...Idol Radio?" Inna said looking at them and they both nodded smiling. "You should come. " Yunho said smiling at her and she smiled widely at him. "You sure? I don't want to be in the way. " Inna said placing her hands in the pockets of her sweat pants. Yunho quickly shook his head. "You won't be. Please? I don't want you to be alone. " He said looking at her. "Yeah, I think it'll be fun. You haven't been to the Idol Radio studio, have you?" Hongjoong asked looking at her and she shook her head.

"Alright, I'll come. Let me grab my hoodie. " she said running to her and Mingi's room.


Once they arrived, they quickly got out of the van through the parking garage. Inna decided that it would be best to walk behind them so nobody would get suspicious and she could just play off as if she's part of the staff. That was until Yunho looked back and grabbed her hand pulling her closer to him. She quickly looked up at him trying to take her hand away but his grip got tighter and Yunho shook his head smiling at her. "Baby don't worry, I told your mom that I'd make sure others knew that I was taken." He whispered before kissing her head.

And with that, fans were screaming. Inna's face turned red as she pulled her hood up and fixed her mask. Yunho smiled greeting the fans with Hongjoong. Not once did his hand leave hers. People asked questions but all he chose to say was "she's my little one. " causing most fans to react happily, congratulating them and others would react with a disgusted jealous look.

Focusing on the ones who reacted happily, Yunho and Inna would look at each other smiling occasionally before talking to more fans until it was time to head inside.


InNa's POV.

"Mama!" Xikers said happily as they all hugged her. "Oh my sweet boys! How're you?" She asked looking at them with a smile as Yunho wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "We're good. Working hard, but being careful about not overworking ourselves. " Minjae said smiling at her and she nodded. "Good. I'm so proud of all of you! I just got the album, it's so good. You all sound wonderful!" She said smiling widely.

"What's your favorite song?" Yechan asked looking at her. "I have two. Rockstar and Xikey. " she answered and they nodded smiling.

After talking for a bit longer it was time for them to do their show. Inna stayed in the waiting room, watching on a small TV the was mounted on the wall.


After the show they headed home and Hongjoong and Yunho had to finish packing so they could join the others in Thailand. By now word had gotten around that Yunho of ateez had a girlfriend but nobody knew her name or what she looked like exactly cause her face was covered with a mask and hoodie. Inna kinda liked that nobody knew who she was, all that they new was that she wasn't Korean.

YunHo's POV.

I had just zipped up my suitcase when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind and immediately smiled knowing who it was. "Hey baby. What's up?" I asked turning around in her arms. She looked up at me with a half smile. "I'm just gonna miss you when you are gone. " she said before burying her face into my chest. I smiled more pulling her closer to me and kissed her head.

"You can still come. " I said looking at her and she shook her head at me. "You know that I can't. I have to take care of xikers during their promotions." She chuckled and I nodded smiling. "I know, I know. I just wish that I could stay with you." I said looking into her eyes and she nodded.

"I love you so much. " I said smiling at her and she smiled widely. "I love you too, so much more. " she said before kissing me softly. I smiled into the kiss picking her up so she could reach me better. We pulled away from the kiss and looked at each other for a moment before there was a knock at the door.

"Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to know if you guys wanted to order in tonight?" Hongjoong asked looking at us and we nodded as I put her down.

Hongjoong nodded and looked at his phone as he walked away.

"So, you got everything packed?" She asked looking up at me and I nodded smiling. "So, now that word is out about us, are you gonna be alright alone?" I asked looking at her and she nodded smiling. "Don't worry. They don't know what I looked like, at least not fully yet. So I should be fine. " She assured me. I nodded smiling and started smothering her cheeks with kisses making her giggle. "You better call me every night and text me everyday. And send me pictures so I don't forget what your gorgeous face looks like. " I said in-between kisses and she nodded smiling widely.

"Yes dear." She said sarcastically before kissing me once more. "Can I just stay here and kiss you all day?" I asked looking into her eyes and she chuckled shaking her head. I groaned placing my face in the crook of her neck before humming softly as I breathed in her vanilla perfume.

"You should spray your perfume all over the clothes in my suitcase and also sleep in my bed while I'm gone. " I said against her neck as she played with my hair. "I'll spray your clothes with my perfume, but I don't know if I'll sleep in your bed." She chuckled. I pulled away from her neck and looked at her with a sad look. "Why?" I asked looking at her as she smiled more and caressed my cheek. "Because I'd feel weird just sleeping in your bed without you. I'd need your warmth." She said looking into my eyes and I nodded slowly.

"Then sleep with me tonight. " I suggested and she nodded. "Now that, I can do." She said before kissing my cheek softly.

I really wish she'd come with us.

(A/N Sorry for the short chapter, I was in a rush. But I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for reading! Have a good day/night!♡♡♡)

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