| BumJoong |

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Hongjoong was currently getting ready to go to lunch with his brother, while I was watching Seonghwa build some Lego set that he had bought that week. "Alright, I'm leaving!" Hongjoong announced walking towards the door. "Wait, you aren't taking Inna?" Seonghwa asks looking at him and he shakes his head before putting his jacket on.

"Absolutely not, the longer I can keep her away from him, the better. " Hongjoong said grabbing his keys. "Should I feel as offended as I do right now?" I asked looking at Seonghwa. "No, he doesn't want anyone to meet his brother, though everyone has. " Seonghwa says looking at Lego pieces. "Why? What's wrong with him?" I asked looking at Hongjoong. "Nothing, he's just... really handsome or whatever. " He said avoiding my eyes.

"Joong, you do realize that I've seen him before right? I follow him on Instagram and subscribed to his YouTube channel. " I said smiling at him as his eyes widened. "Wait seriously? Then it's too late for us!" He said dramatically and I rolled my eyes while standing up from the chair.

"Yes, I've seen what he looks like, I've heard his voice, seen his smile, yet I got the cutest and most handsome one out of the two brothers." I said wrapping my arms around his neck making him smile widely. "Alright, you can come, but I need a kiss on the cheek. " He said looking at me and turned his head to the side. "Deal." I said before quickly kissing his cheek and Wooyoung faked a gag making us roll our eyes.

I quickly changed my clothes putting on black ripped skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and black jean jacket, black combat boots and a black baseball cap and we left. Their manager dropped us off at the restaurant and we both walked in, immediately spotting his his brother. I felt Hongjoong grab my hand pulling me closer to him as we walked to the table.

We sat down after I introduced myself to Bumjoong. "I'm surprised that he let you come. " Bumjoong said looking at me. "He wasn't going to let me, but I talked him into it. " I said smiling at Hongjoong and felt him squeeze my hand a little. We ordered our food and continued talking for a bit until I excused myself to use the bathroom.

HongJoong's POV.

After Inna left for the bathroom I looked at my brother and let out a much needed breath. "You really like her, huh?" He asked looking at me and I nodded smiling widely. "I can tell that she definitely likes you too. She looks at you every chance she gets. " He said before taking a sip of his drink.

"You said that she's a fan, right?" He asked putting his drink down and I nodded. "How do you know for sure that you can trust her?" He asked looking at me and I tilted my head in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Well, if she's a fan, how do you know that she's not just using you? She could have a secret account or something. " He said in a serious tone. I shook my head. "Come on, Inna is a nice girl, she wouldn't do that. " I said looking at him. "Have you asked her?" He asked cocking a brow at me. "How much do you honestly know about her? I mean yeah she works for you and lives with you, but she could have a secret life or something and you could just be oblivious to it. " He continued.

I stared at my drink in front of me, thinking about what he said. It's true, I didn't really know much about her besides what the boys told me. I like her, but can I trust her? Eventually she came back from the bathroom as our food came. She smiled at me as we began eating and I decided to just ignore what my brother said for now.

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